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Help with locating specific code


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I am trying to find the code that populates the "Write a Review"  Product Comment form on the Product Details page. Prestashop version

This is the code in the tpl:

{if ($too_early == false AND ($is_logged OR $allow_guests))}
				<a class="open-comment-form" href="#new_comment_form">
					{l s='Write a review' mod='productcomments'}

This is the js code:

$(function() {

		'hideOnContentClick': false,

	$('button.usefulness_btn').click(function() {
		var id_product_comment = $(this).data('id-product-comment');
		var is_usefull = $(this).data('is-usefull');
		var parent = $(this).parent();

			url: productcomments_controller_url + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(),
			data: {
				id_product_comment: id_product_comment,
				action: 'comment_is_usefull',
				value: is_usefull
			type: 'POST',
			headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" },
			success: function(result){
				parent.fadeOut('slow', function() {

	$('span.report_btn').click(function() {
		if (confirm(confirm_report_message))
			var idProductComment = $(this).data('id-product-comment');
			var parent = $(this).parent();

				url: productcomments_controller_url + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(),
				data: {
					id_product_comment: idProductComment,
					action: 'report_abuse'
				type: 'POST',
				headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" },
				success: function(result){
					parent.fadeOut('slow', function() {

	$('#submitNewMessage').click(function(e) {
		// Kill default behaviour

		// Form element

        url_options = '?';
        if (!productcomments_url_rewrite)
            url_options = '&';

			url: productcomments_controller_url + url_options + 'action=add_comment&secure_key=' + secure_key + '&rand=' + new Date().getTime(),
			data: $('#id_new_comment_form').serialize(),
			type: 'POST',
			headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" },
			dataType: "json",
			success: function(data){
				if (data.result)
                    var buttons = {};
                    buttons[productcomment_ok] = "productcommentRefreshPage";
                    fancyChooseBox(moderation_active ? productcomment_added_moderation : productcomment_added, productcomment_title, buttons);
					$('#new_comment_form_error ul').html('');
					$.each(data.errors, function(index, value) {
						$('#new_comment_form_error ul').append('<li>'+value+'</li>');
		return false;

function productcommentRefreshPage() {

And this is the php code:

public function hookDisplayRightColumnProduct($params)
        require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/ProductComment.php';
        require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/ProductCommentCriterion.php';

        $id_guest = (!$id_customer = (int) $this->context->cookie->id_customer) ? (int) $this->context->cookie->id_guest : false;
        $customerComment = ProductComment::getByCustomer((int) (Tools::getValue('id_product')), (int) $this->context->cookie->id_customer, true, (int) $id_guest);

        $average = ProductComment::getAverageGrade((int) Tools::getValue('id_product'));
        $product = $this->context->controller->getProduct();
        $image = Product::getCover((int) Tools::getValue('id_product'));
        $cover_image = $this->context->link->getImageLink($product->link_rewrite, $image['id_image'], 'medium_default');

            'id_product_comment_form' => (int) Tools::getValue('id_product'),
            'product' => $product,
            'secure_key' => $this->secure_key,
            'logged' => $this->context->customer->isLogged(true),
            'allow_guests' => (int) Configuration::get('PRODUCT_COMMENTS_ALLOW_GUESTS'),
            'productcomment_cover' => (int) Tools::getValue('id_product').'-'.(int) $image['id_image'], // retro compat
            'productcomment_cover_image' => $cover_image,
            'mediumSize' => Image::getSize(ImageType::getFormatedName('medium')),
            'criterions' => ProductCommentCriterion::getByProduct((int) Tools::getValue('id_product'), $this->context->language->id),
            'action_url' => '',
            'averageTotal' => round($average['grade']),
            'ratings' => ProductComment::getRatings((int) Tools::getValue('id_product')),
            'too_early' => ($customerComment && (strtotime($customerComment['date_add']) + Configuration::get('PRODUCT_COMMENTS_MINIMAL_TIME')) > time()),
            'nbComments' => (int) (ProductComment::getCommentNumber((int) Tools::getValue('id_product'))),

        return $this->display(__FILE__, '/productcomments-extra.tpl');

I am assuming the code is in one of these. An explanation would be appreciated, as I would like to understand how it works, not just be shown. If I am wrong and it is not in the code above, can you let me know where it is located.


Thank you to anyone that replies.


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