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Attributes using wrong pricing

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Have I identified a flaw with professional tax calculations or am I being stupid.
if I create a product with no attribute is, enter a "Pre-tax retail price" of £10 and set the tax to 20%, the product shows in the cart with a price of £10 and a tax of £2.
However if instead of using the standard pricing I create a combination and set the "impact on price" to "increase" and enter a figure of £10, the price is the card is shown as £8.33, showing that British is actually treating my entry as a gross price, instead of a net price as it does in the previous scenario.

Can you please advise why press to shop treats a price added to a main product of net but when added to a combination it treats the price as gross. It is completely impossible for a customer to enter a gross price that will calculate out at a round net price of say £50.

This is doing my head in so either I am being stupid or there is a fundamental flaw with tax calculations for combinations.

Any help would be so greatly appreciated as the client is going mad.

Many thanks


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That is how Prestashop designed the tax for attribute impact (Tax included).

I believe that in the next version (1.4) that was changed.

I have a couple of modules / modifications that change that.

Module: Attribute Wizard Pro
Modification: Tax on a separate line

Both can be found on my site (address in my signature)

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  • 4 weeks later...
That is how Prestashop designed the tax for attribute impact (Tax included).

I believe that in the next version (1.4) that was changed.

I have a couple of modules / modifications that change that.

Module: Attribute Wizard Pro
Modification: Tax on a separate line

Both can be found on my site (address in my signature)

I'm afraid that isn't the case. I'm here looking for a solution...but Prestashop has a mind of it's own when it comes to attribute pricing. I've turn OFF tax EVERYWHERE I can find it and it still adding something???? to my attribute price difference. This logic is so completely flawed...in the US, if you're charging tax based on destination, how does it even know WHAT tax to charge if we don't know where the item is shipping.

It seemingly ignores the show tax included, excluded option within the attributes as well.

Anyway...have you tested your modules under 1.4?
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  • 1 month later...

I just uploaded 1.4 and this problem is still there. I do not think this is correct behavior.

The AJAX cart and the cart page show the pricing correctly, but the product attributes dropdown show totally incorrect pricing (not even the correct TAXED price.) The default product configuration shows correctly. Any alteration to that price is when things go whacky.

Any fixes for this Presta guys? Am I / Are we doing something wrong in the configs?

LOVE THE PRODUCT by the way!! This is my only major problem with it. I have had to code my own fix for this in my other installations...


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  • 2 months later...

My problem was with the Conversion Rate of my Currency.
Go to PAYMENT > CURRENCIES and check that your currency is set to 1.
Mine is the dollar, and it was set to something like 1.32 - that was it!
Hope that solves it for you,

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