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Can't add new subcategories

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Major problem here.

Edit: The problem is - I can add new subcategories but I cannot add products to that subcat.

Is there a limit on the amount of categories / sub categories? I went to upload some products as normal today so I go to the category, then subcat and click add subcat. It all works properly but when I go to add a product to that subcategory - it does not appear in the list!

I have attached photos to show you what the problem is. If you look at photo 1 first through to 5 you should get the idea of what is happening.

Would be grateful for any help!

Thanks in advance, Stephen






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Sorry to bump again but I've got loads of products to put on my shop and really struggling.

I'm happy for one of the Prestashop team to log into my shop to see the problem first hand. Seems like a bug in the amount of categories or subcategories you can have.

I'd be really grateful for any help.


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Hi I've really got to get the shop working by tomorrow morning and I have tonight to do it.

I'd really appreciate if maybe one of the PrestaShop team could let me know if there is a limit to cats / subcats. Also if perhaps upgrading to the latest stable version would help? I am not keen to do this because I've had to hack a lot of modules such as Google Checkout so that it works.

Again - I am happy for a member of the PS team to log in to see this bug for themselves.

Thanks in advance as usual.


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Doesn't look like there's an answer to this bug but to anyone else having the same problem - I got round it by importing products via the CSV method.

Just means that you cannot add products via the GUI once you reach a certain amount of cats / subcats. Bit of a pain but not too bad if you have long runs of products.

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