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[SOLVED] There are no carriers available that will deliver to this address!

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I am getting the message 'There are no carriers available that will deliver to this address' when i go to do test orders

The address i use is valid, All the regions, countries and states are active, The carrier is active

Does anyone know what the problem might be?

I installed a new theme, I dont kow if that might have something to do with it?


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Make sure that the zone of the address of the currently-logged-in customer has been ticked for the carrier. If it has, make sure that the carrier has ranges, then go to the Shipping tab, select the carrier, then enter shipping prices for each range, then click Save.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I found in (and probably other 1.4 versions) that the carriers were no longer available after I edit them in BO. All I did was set it to include handling in the price. It's been very frustrating, because I finally got the UPS module working, then one change to the UPS Ground carrier and it all breaks!

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Make sure that the zone of the address of the currently-logged-in customer has been ticked for the carrier. If it has, make sure that the carrier has ranges, then go to the Shipping tab, select the carrier, then enter shipping prices for each range, then click Save.

I couldn't catch where to tick carrier in customer address/zone. pls direct the way.

And, I couldn't input value for the range to all carrier,
Under Fees by carrier, geographical zone, and ranges,
I got following message for every carrier while I ticked Shipping & handling and all zones of the carrier.
Zone / Range
No ranges set for this carrier
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To put a carrier in a zone, go to the Shipping > Carriers tab, edit each carrier, then tick the zones the carrier applies to.

You must go to the Shipping > Weight ranges or Shipping > Price ranges tab, then add price or weight ranges to the each carrier, then you will be able to specify the shipping costs.

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