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How to import products - kind of data

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Please, someone know how can I import PRODUCTS data into Prestashop using a CVS file? I already read http://www.prestashop.com/wiki/Importing_Product_Data/ but I still have a doubt.

I need to know what kind of data each field can receive, for example:

- what kind of data the field SUPPLIER can receive? Numbers (supplier reference registered on prestashop) or Text (name of supplier)?
- what kind of data the field FEATURE can receive? For example: if I have 3 items registered, how can i create the FEATURE expression to CSV file?

Thank you since now! I'm using Prestashop

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I am also having a similar problem importing letters with accents please see img as when I import into Spanish all items/products with accents Ñ Ç and other different letters in the description or metas will not import is there a way round this. I have been trying to open this as a new topic but the forum doesn't seem to want me to???


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