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Multilanguage prestashop website - catalogs problem

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Hello everybody,

we have a shop with single catalog in a unique language, we would like to start selling in all europe with different catalogs one for each country.
The problem we faced with prestashop is if you insert different catalogs (one for every language) you will have every catalog untraslated in the the other languages ...

for example:

I have inserted the italian catalog with all my products and then I have inserted the English catalog(different from the italian catalog) I will found the Italian one untraslated into the English catalog and viceversa...

Is it possible to create different catalogs in different languages without found untraslated catalogs?

thanks for all the opinions and suggestions

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Well , I think is not possible with prestashop 1.3...
One possible solution is to install on the same domain another prestashop one for every catalog/language (u need 1 Mysql DB for every installation) and hyperlink the flags at the top to the related site..

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