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Issues setting the prices in the back office


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Hi, guys. I'm having some problems with my backoffice.

When I was trying to add an specific price to some of the products in the store, I noticed that some of the prices had and extra 0.000001 added to the price and when I tried to change it, I could not do it.


I got around the problem by adding CLP 10 to the price of the product and then apply the specific price so it would look kind of normal in the home page (the discount that was showing was 20000.000001 instead of 20000. The problem now was that, by adding a new specific price to this product, setting it to last only 15 days, the other products with specific prices changed the duration of the price to the same as the product that I just changed.

I'm sorry for my english.

If anybody can help me with this, thank you.

Captura de pantalla 2018-07-09 a las 17.19.31.png

Captura de pantalla 2018-07-09 a las 17.46.09.png

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