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[SOLVED] Place permanentlinks, quicksearch and userinfo in the same line

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I've uninstalled the currencies block and languages block as I'm going to use only one language and currency in my shop.

I'm trying to edit my header to make the permanentlinks, quicksearch and userinfo blocks, so that the whole header looks smaller. I want those blocks to be shown in the same line. Without the currencies and languages blocks I have plenty of free space so I prefer to put the blocks that I'm using in the same line and make the height of the header smaller.

Which file should I edit?

Thank you in advance.

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I've solved it by changing certain values into the global.css BUT PLEASE if there's a better way to do so let me know as I don't like editing the .css file of my theme, as if I ever update it I'd need to repeat all changes in it in order to have the same look again.




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