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some questions after 5 months use, who can help me out with these advanced questions

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Hi guys,

the shop is running quit good and after some serious homemade custom work even beter :-)

but I still have some question where I do not know what to do or if there is any solution.

1. I activated IcePay as extra payment module. The problem I have now is that if for one reason the payment is not done or gives errors then I change the order to payment with bankwire. The only problem I have is that the ICEPAY is still marked in the db in ps_orders field. Is there any way or module that I can use so after I change the status (from waiting for ICEPAY payment to waiting for bankwire) that the ICEPAY is changed also? If I have to control every month if IcePay pays correctly I then can just filter on the payment field. If I change the status of an order then it would be nice that this change also.

2. Is there any way I can make the google sitemaps with cron? I have allready a cron that makes the full import, images, indexing,... but I would like also to add the google sitemap cron.

3. I use B-post Belgium and TNT post. Is there any way I can make use of the track & trace utility for both?
like if I use status id x for Belgium then just add one number in an url and if I use a different status for The Netherlands I can use an other link with 2 parameters?

well, this is it for the moment.

thanks for any advice or clue

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