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Wanting to move my category links from left, to top!

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Hey there!

I am wandering if anybody could please help me!

I am wanting to re-do my shops layout, and the BIGGEST problem I am having is changing the location and look of my category links.

Currently, the category is listed on the left hand side as text links, as below..

Screen shot 2011-01-04 at 2.10.56 PM.png

And I am wanting to remove them from the left column (I want to remove the column altogether actually), and place the links at the top, beneath the header image, and make them into gif images instead.

Like so....

Screen shot 2011-01-04 at 2.12.05 PM.png

I am really struggling to do this properly, and would appreciate ANY help or direction on how I can make this adjustment as easily as possible...

Please, would appreciate ANY AND ALL help!





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