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[SOLVED] Prestashop 1.3.5 Slow loading time

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Can someone help me with my site http://sklep.blueorb.pl
I`v try-ed almost everything : enabled smart caching, set smarty->force_compile to false, disabled GA and all statistics.
When u change category or chose product it takes about 2-3sec to load, and as u can sea at the beginning it`s waiting for server response.
Don`t know how to fix it , can someone help me please?

Kind Regards

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I think that my VPS i fast enough, the problem is not only on presta 1.3.5 but on all of 1.3 i`v tryed. Tested on other servers and the same problem, think it is a prestashop problem, i`v read a lot about speed problem on prest 1.3 and as i sea there is no proper solution yet.

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Try installing PrestaShop v1.4 Beta 2 in a separate directory. It has a new Preferences > Performance tab with options that can help to speed up your website. Maybe that will help, but it seems you have high expectations for the speed of your website. Getting a website to load in a second or less is very difficult.

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Fresh install and 9 product and presta was sooo slow that i was thinking lets go back to os commerce,.. but no i changed the [

b]code of:[/b]

global $smarty;
$smarty = new Smarty();
$smarty->template_dir = _PS_THEME_DIR_.'tpl';
$smarty->compile_dir = _PS_SMARTY_DIR_.'compile';
$smarty->cache_dir = _PS_SMARTY_DIR_.'cache';
$smarty->config_dir = _PS_SMARTY_DIR_.'configs';
$smarty->caching = false;
$smarty->force_compile = (bool)Configuration::get('PS_SMARTY_FORCE_COMPILE');
$smarty->compile_check = false;
//$smarty->debugging = true;
$smarty->debug_tpl = _PS_ALL_THEMES_DIR_.'debug.tpl';


global $smarty;
$smarty = new Smarty();
$smarty->template_dir = _PS_THEME_DIR_.'tpl';
$smarty->compile_dir = _PS_SMARTY_DIR_.'compile';
$smarty->cache_dir = _PS_SMARTY_DIR_.'cache';
$smarty->config_dir = _PS_SMARTY_DIR_.'configs';
$smarty->caching = false;
$smarty->force_compile = false;
$smarty->compile_check = false;
//$smarty->debugging = true;
$smarty->debug_tpl = _PS_ALL_THEMES_DIR_.'debug.tpl';

And it worked like lightning! fast loading pages i'm hooked now on presta!

you can find the code in config/smarty.config.inc.php i changed it in prestashop 1.4 beta 2

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You do realise that you just replaced an option in the Back Office with a hardcoded value? You should change the code back, then go to Preferences > Performance and change "Force compile" to "No" instead of hardcoding the "No" value in code. It's only in PrestaShop v1.3.5 and earlier you need to change the code.

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This is my file but it was allready on false,,,...

global $smarty;
$smarty = new Smarty();
$smarty->template_dir = _PS_THEME_DIR_.'tpl';
$smarty->compile_dir = _PS_SMARTY_DIR_.'compile';
$smarty->cache_dir = _PS_SMARTY_DIR_.'cache';
$smarty->config_dir = _PS_SMARTY_DIR_.'configs';
$smarty->caching = false;
$smarty->force_compile = (bool)Configuration::get('PS_SMARTY_FORCE_COMPILE');
$smarty->compile_check = false;
//$smarty->debugging = true;
if (Configuration::get('PS_FORCE_SMARTY_2'))
$smarty->debug_tpl = _PS_ALL_THEMES_DIR_.'debug.tpl';

maby becource i used the newest presta?

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