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Groupon like or Collective Shopping

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I would like to know if two things are possible without paid modules.

I would like to implement a collective shopping option.

The first option is, instead of selling, give the buyer a generated code. With this code, he can buy from another physical store with a discount. It is the groupon like way.


My other doubt (or option) is:

Is it possible to make the costumer chose to, instead of adding the product to cart, add it to a collective cart or create a collective cart?

So, a collective cart could appear in a list, for people to know what are registered users trying to buy collectively to generate bigger discounts automatically calculated.

Just like when we buy a large amounts. 10 items for 10 US$ each, 100 items for 8 US$.

Users on collective lists can buy it collectively as they were one, or they can give up and put it on the regular cart.


This would be a relief for sellers who want to sell a lot without having to use groupon or collective shoppings in general, to get more costumers without losing money for merchandise.


Is this possible or will I have to pay someone to develop this?


Portal Versus - Fighting Gaming Community

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  • 2 months later...

Yes it is possible. I was looking for this type of modules and find some VERY useful modules. But you must buy most of them. Here they are:

[MODULE] Countdown specials 1.3- Compatible PS 1.4 - you can put it on front page of every item that you sell.
Price - u$55.00

[Module] Sold Items and Reduction Time Countdown - this countdown maybe used inside of item. I`m interested in to know if its also possible to use on front side, but creator still did not repy.
Price - € 39.00

Also Money Manager from the same creator - Price- €79.00

M4 PDF Extensions - PDF using templates (v1.1.0) - you will need this module to change PDF in a way you want
Price - € 99,00

Barcode - You may also need in barcode, it can be very useful.
Price - € 30,00

So what else do we need? I think we may need a module that will create different PDF invoice for every item that in basket. I asked about it and one guy told me that he can create it. This may be useful if you want to use PDF invoice Number as Coupon number. But you may also show it as multi-coupon so your clients can order more than one coupons and use same number in different places.
Second way - put only one Deal a day, so they can only order only one deal.

Thats it. I don`t know what else we may need. Oh maybe Google Map for showing place of the deal...

So now we know that we must spend money around € 185-220... Not so cheap, but also not so much... What else???

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is very helpful information. I'm in the process of building a groupon type group buying site. After testing and reviewing 10+ groupon clone scripts out there (sadly most are junk), I'm thinking about tweaking Prestashop instead.

I would be very interested in purchasing a PDF invoice module as described by previous poster. Something that would generate an unique invoice # for each item in an order. My site will have multiple deals everyday, so I'll need a way to generate coupon codes for each item purchased. If anyone is building one or has a solution for it, please pm me.

Another feature that I'm not sure if Prestashop supports - Does anyone know if there's a module that will set a minimum # of orders sold before a deal (product) is "tipped"?

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I`m also working on it, but my PHP knowledge is about ZERO :D i just have an idea of how to create it, but have no knowledge to do it. :(
I have asked some people to create template look like groupon but no one wanted to create it.
There were only one groupon clone script which is really good and without bugs. but it has no all usefull payment gateways that i need. Like it has Paypal and Authorise.net... But i cannot use PayPal to withdraw money so i dont need it.

That is why i have decided to create Groupon on prestashop.

About using PDF invoice as Coupon think its ot gonna be useful, cz clinets can get wihtout payment. That is why i thought to create PDF coupon manually for the first time, and work on creating module that will do it automatically.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I was thinking to implement the similar module like group purchase; i.e. the order will only be considered "ON" when certain quantity set is reached.
Would appreciate if you guys can share the results of the implementation of the "Group Purchase" features.


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