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No download links on the Orders Page for customers.

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Orders are accepted in the back office, but there is no download links for the customers.
Every thing is in place like it should, the only thing is that the orders page does not show any download links.

Each product is setup as a download product.
Customers also receive emails after they make an order, but still no download links.

I am using Version


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I guess no-one else is having the same problem. I've been using downloadable products on my website since PrestaShop v1.2.5 and I've never had any problems with download links on the order history page. I'm currently using PrestaShop v1.3.5 on my website. Try switching to the default PrestaShop theme. That should tell you whether it's a third-party theme issue.

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I seem to be having the same issue on one Prestashop, but not on the other Prestashop, with respect to Virtual product to download emails and not getting them.

I set up one PS for testing: It sends 3 emails on an order: Order confirmation, New order, and Virtual product to download. That PS is Version - 0.671s.

Then, I have the real-thing PS: It sends only the first 2 emails listed above; Virtual product to download is absent. It is a more recent version: Version - 0.046s.

Both are using the same template.

While it's probably not the end of the world that the files I've uploaded via "Is this a downloadable product?" are only in the Order History page, I'd really like to get the real-thing site fully operational. Downloads may be important in the future, and lack of email links spell headaches in customer service.

A far as what I've done, I have made sure all three download product files are in each mails folder. I wondered if there's a conflict with the PayPal module v2.1--unchecking it and making a free download order still yielded no email.

Any ideas?

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I have a 3rd site, one that I manually upgraded. I just did a quick test of ordering a free download, and sure enough, no Virtual Product Download Link arrived in my inbox. This install is Version - 0.083s ... is there a bug keeping PS from following through with these emails?

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It looks as if I just fixed my problem. I spent, I dunno, a half day on this problem? Here is what I did ...


Again, my problem is that in my upgraded PrestaShop, as a customer of a virtual download, I was no longer getting the Virtual Product to Download email. (I also learned I was no longer getting the Payment Accepted email.)

I had noticed a difference in behavior between my Quick Install of PrestaShop Version - 1.321s, and my recent manual upgrade to PrestaShop Version - 0.041s.

- In, I was getting the emails as expected.
- In the newer, I was NOT gettting the emails as expected. (I would get Order confirmation, and my merchant account would get the New order email.)

From what I was learning, classes > OrderHistory.php was supposed to handle the sending of my missing emails. I am not versed in code so I couldn't really translate what I was reading, but I was trying to. I could see there was the subject line for the virtual download email, which was a start. I could see some other important details.

I tried disabling modules, tweaking code per what rocky was advising 1-2 users, etc., and I was having no luck. I was despairing a bit because I really love the software, though I knew I could simply direct my customers to Order History for their downloads. This was not preferred, though, because it would require more customer service for people who weren't very observant.


At one point I thought I'd take a look at the CHANGELOG for the newer to see if there were any changes with respect to virtual downloads. Searching for the term "virtual download," AHA!, there was! From that CHANGELOG:

[-] FO : virtual product links are now sent the first time the order is validated and no more hard coded on PS_OS_PAYMENT

I decided to see if there was something to that change. I compared OrderHistory.php from both of my installations. Immediately I could see a difference: The older version mentioned PS_OS_PAYMENT but the newer version HAD NO MENTION of PS_OS_PAYMENT.

In my newer PrestaShop, I renamed OrderHistory.php to OrderHistory-original.php to have a backup on hand. Then, from my older PrestaShop and into my NEWER PrestaShop, I uploaded OrderHistory.php to fill the void.

I made a test purchase of a free download from my site. It worked: I got the two missing emails.


So, what does this tell me? It tells me that perhaps the change outlined in the CHANGELOG had a negative effect on PrestaShop. At least it seemed to have a negative effect for me! A downgrade of classes > OrderHistory.php from to solved my problem.

Now, I'm not despairing ... I'm now relieved. At least insofar as it continues to work!


I'm unfamiliar with possible repercussions from my downgrade of Order-History.php, so if you have any insights, kindly share. Thanks. :)


EDIT: In the original version of this post, I mistakeny added a hypthen to OrderHistory.php. Corrected above.
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