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Continue Shopping Button redirection to homepage

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I really need your help after trying a lot and many times without any success, even after reading old solved questions.

As far as I saw from other users, continue shopping button has problems and loob bugs, I solved the loop by just getting rid of the quick view option, but still when we click continue shopping button only the popup window disappears and we stay at the same page of the product. 

I would like to redirect the continue shopping button to the homepage, I have read old solved questions about this and tried to modify (blockcart, shopping-cart, shopping-cart-advanced and ajax-cart)  but nothing worked for me at all.

Could you please help me with this? 
Prestashop, with a paid theme from presta website

Thank you very much in advance and I'll be waiting for your precious help

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1 hour ago, ndiaga said:


You are just looking in the wrong files maybe.

From where would you like to do the redirection?


Thank you for answering

I would like to do it from anywhere, whenever we see the continue shopping button and click it, I would like it to go to the homepage.
Even when we activate ajax or deactivate it, I would like it to go to homepage.

Thank you in advance and I appreciate your help

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1 minute ago, ndiaga said:

It's a lot of work.

I can not tell you how.

I can only do it if you want...

Then let's say that I deactivate the ajax and the quick view as well, so now just the shopping_cart or blockcart left.
So I cannot do it myself in your opinion, after telling me?
Is it that hard?

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