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<SOLVED> Site Become Slow After upgrading to V1.3.5.0 Any Solution

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I think this is a question not easy to answer, because there many reasons that cause pages loading slowly.

Could you please give some more detailed information?
Does this happen on specific pages? or happens on all pages?
Is it only happens when you visit your site after not use for a while?

By the way, here are few threads that might help you.


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I checked your site, most pages responded in less than one seconds. I think it is pretty normal.

But for some pages, it will take 2-3 seconds to load at first time visit. but when you access the same page again, it will load very quickly. I think it is because of compiling of smarty tool. Change following line to false will improve some performance.

file /config/smaty.config.inc.php
$smarty->force_compile = true; // to pass "false" when put into production

But don't forget, every time when you make changes on source code, you need clear contents in following folder.

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Exactly what changes I have to do? Sorry to troubling you.

I got the file and below text in it

"$smarty->force_compile = true; // to pass "false" when put into production
$smarty->compile_check = false;"

Where exactly I have to make changes?


Edited by Vilas (see edit history)
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Sorry for trouble again. But value is already set to False there. My next in that file is as below

"“$smarty->force_compile = true; // to pass “false” when put into production
$smarty->compile_check = false;”

So where I have to do change? and what change I have to do.


Edited by Vilas (see edit history)
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I have made changes to below text from

"““$smarty->force_compile = false; // to pass “false” when put into production
$smarty->compile_check = false;”

I hope you means to say to do this only. One more thing as you told in earlier post that delete all files /tools/smarty/compile/ I seen that in that folder there are many kinds of file are there. So do I have to delete all files including index.php which is under that folder?


Edited by Vilas (see edit history)
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