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What we need: SEO, title- and metatag-optimization

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Hi there!

As I've written here I'm goning to start this new topic dedicated to SEO, title- and metatag-optimization. At the moment PrestaShop does not the best it could do in this area, so here are my suggestions:

The <title>-tag should contain for product-pages:

<title>product - manufacturer - 1st category - sitename</title>

for the manufacurer:

<title>manufacturer - sitename</title>

and for the categories

<title>category - 1st sub-category - ... - sitename</title>

Let's get to the meta-tags:
The description of a manufacturer as seen in the picture above needs to be in the

<meta name="description" content="description">

if not we'll have the same description for every manufacturer, Google (and people searching) hates that!

I already went live with "my" shop and make use of the Google Webmaster-Tools and Google is already complainig about "double title-tags": http://img.skitch.com/20081202-1bnf2higypyuiqy1xaxccgnjj7.jpg

PrestaShop is great - let's make it even better!

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HI Damien,

thanks, you're right - the only thing left is the title for the manufacturers - is there a way to add this? (I've already tried with the /* Categories specifics meta tags */ in Tools.php changed to id_manufacturer, but nothing changed)

 /* Manu specifics meta tags */
           elseif ($id_manufacturer = Tools::getValue('id_manufacturer'))
               $row = Db::getInstance()->getRow('
               SELECT `name`, `meta_title`, `meta_description`, `meta_keywords`, `description`
               FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'manufacturer_lang`
               WHERE id_lang = '.intval($id_lang).' AND id_manufacturer = '.intval($id_manufacturer));
               if ($row)
                   if (empty($row['meta_description']))
                       $row['meta_description'] = strip_tags($row['description']);
                   return self::completeMetaTags($row, Category::hideCategoryPosition($row['name']));

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Bruz, SEO is different for everyone, just because you want product - manufacturer - 1st category - sitename , does not mean it will work for other shops. Its all down to the product types , products, competitiveness and generics. Personally, that combination would not work for most of the shops i administer, but it may for you. So, perhaps not best to speak for everyone :)

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