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[SOLVED] Categories under "catalog" in admin & on website have disappeared?

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Hi everyone,

This is my first time posting, so I hope I don't mess up on the forum rules :S

I was adding products to my prestashop, and as I'm about half way through, probably my 7th category (I have been updating it on an off the last month), I realized that I did not set the category I was currently working on, on "Display Enabled".

I go back to Categories, under Catalog in the admin panel, and click the green check mark. Once the page finished loading, all the categories I originally had disappeared. They have also gone missing from my website's front page.

Website (after refresh):

Admin Panel (after refresh):

It looks to me that my products are still functioning and haven't been deleted from the database, as I can still see my recently added products in the "New Products" box on the shop website.

1. Template: matrice
2. Prestashop: Version
3. Windows 7
4. Hosting: Fatcow
5. Domain: http://kira.kan-d.net/shop
6. Forwarded from*: http://clearcontactscom.fatcow.com/kira/shop/
(* Doesn't seem to allow unauthorized people to view in IE. Not sure why. Works in Opera for me)

Attempted Troubleshooting
1. Modules > Positions > Transplant Module > Quick Search to Header of pages
My position for the module was already set under the header, before the problem occured. But I did re-place the module. No Change.

2. Modules > Blocks > Quick Search block > Uninstall/Reinstall
Tried. No Change

3. Simple Refreshing
No Change

A few days ago there was actually a server issue with Fatcow. However, it was fixed within 5hrs of my inquiry into it. Honestly I don't think its a hosting issue, cause the change in the admin panel does seem to be congruent with the website itself.

At this point I'm just scared that I'll have to re-input 100+ products again by myself when my web shop's launch date is suppose to be Jan 2011 :/

Please help!
Any suggestions or assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

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I'm not sure if this counts, so I took screenshots.



If you meant if any of my original categories that I created are listed in those 2 directories, they're not :S

Then you will have to start creating categories again, unless you have backups you can upload.
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  • 1 year later...



My problem is somewhere close to this - Admin > Catalog > Products in this Category > Add a New Product


This page is opening half till 'initial stock' option, and because of this am not able to add any new products. But the strange thing is when I try to see existing products page I can see the same page properly and full.


I am using PrestaShop™


Please help

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Do you have force compile on and cache off under preference/ perfomance, sometimes this is all it takes.

When making changes to site its always a good idea to have these features as above.

When checking your database after clicking on a table ( PS_Category) you must then click on Browse at top of screen to see what is actually in the table.

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Thanks for your reply.


I checked and the force compile is on and cache is off in the admin. And when checked my database and clicked on the ps_category table I saw the below table, please check it and let me know whats wrong and whats the solution for it as am not that technical to undersatnd the same.



item_ltr.pngs_tbl.png ps_category

  • b_browse.pngBrowse
  • b_props.pngStructure
  • b_sql.pngSQL
  • b_search.pngSearch
  • b_insrow.pngInsert
  • b_tblexport.pngExport
  • b_tblimport.pngImport
  • b_tblops.pngOperations


Showing rows 0 - 4 ( 5 total, Query took 0.0001 sec)SELECT *

FROM `ps_category`

LIMIT 0 , 30

Profiling[inline] [ Edit ] [ Explain SQL ] [ Create PHP Code ] [ Refresh ]


row(s) starting from row # in mode and repeat headers after cells Sort by key:

+ Options s_fulltext.png id_category id_parent level_depth nleft nright active date_add date_upd position b_edit.png Edit b_inline_edit.png Inline Edit b_insrow.png Copy b_drop.png Delete 1 0 0 1 10 1 2012-02-09 14:54:15 2012-02-09 14:54:15 0 b_edit.png Edit b_inline_edit.png Inline Edit b_insrow.png Copy b_drop.png Delete 37 35 3 4 5 1 2012-03-11 20:59:49 2012-03-11 20:59:49 0 b_edit.png Edit b_inline_edit.png Inline Edit b_insrow.png Copy b_drop.png Delete 36 34 2 7 8 1 2012-03-11 20:59:00 2012-03-11 20:59:00 1 b_edit.png Edit b_inline_edit.png Inline Edit b_insrow.png Copy b_drop.png Delete 35 34 2 3 6 1 2012-03-11 20:58:39 2012-03-11 20:58:39 0 b_edit.png Edit b_inline_edit.png Inline Edit b_insrow.png Copy b_drop.png Delete 34 1 1 2 9 1 2012-03-11 20:57:07 2012-03-11 20:57:07 0 arrow_ltr.png Check All / Uncheck All With selected:


row(s) starting from row # in mode and repeat headers after cells Query results operations b_print.png Print view b_print.png Print view (with full texts) b_tblexport.png Export b_chart.png Display chart b_views.png Create view


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Go to your first post and click edit then at bottom click use full editor and remove Solved from the title.



There do seem to be some errors in your database, here are snaps of mine, I have marked with red outline the differences.







This is what my database looks like if you click on browse, I wonder if you add the tables that seem to be missing if your issue will be solved.



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