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I am tyring to use Presta shop for the first time. I downloaded and installed  it here http://vidyuthpublications.com/newshop 

I can see the site working but not clear with the checkout option and currencies.

I have enabled USD and INR (for INR I add some discount %). Now I can see both currencies show up fine and working as expected. If I add items to cart and then click  proceed to checkout, I can proceed further but I see a paypal express checkout button and it takes me to the paypal page.


1. Is there anyway that checkout is done via the site itself and not on paypal?

2. if I choose INR and click Paypal checkout, I see the below error on this page http://vidyuthpublications.com/newshop/en/module/paypalusa/expresscheckout?pp_exp_initial=1

3. I would prefer a seamless check out to handle both currencies on the site itself even if it uses paypal. 

4. If I disable the Express checkout then I don't see that button but at the same time it says no payment method available even though the standard one is selected. 

I use this module  

PayPal USA, Canada 

v1.3.9 - byPrestaShop

Please advise!!

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thanks. The moment  I turned on the debug mode and went to the site

I see these errors. please advise how to proceed further.


Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

1/1ContextErrorException in Display.php line 48:Runtime Notice: Declaration of BWDisplay::setTemplate() should be compatible with FrontControllerCore::setTemplate($template, $params = Array, $locale = NULL)

  1. in Display.php line 48
  2. at ErrorHandler->handleError('2048', 'Declaration of BWDisplay::setTemplate() should be compatible with FrontControllerCore::setTemplate($template, $params = Array, $locale = NULL)', '/home/jaalaade/public_html/vidyuthpublications.com/newshop/modules/paypalusa/backward_compatibility/Display.php', '48', array('this' => object(PayPalUSA))) in backward.php line 38
  3. at require_once() in backward.php line 38
  4. at require('/home/jaalaade/public_html/vidyuthpublications.com/newshop/modules/paypalusa/backward_compatibility/backward.php') in paypalusa.php line 35
  5. at PayPalUSA->__construct()
  6. at ReflectionClass->newInstance() in Container.php line 127
  7. at Container->makeInstanceFromClassName('paypalusa', array('paypalusa' => true)) in Container.php line 160
  8. at Container->doMake('paypalusa', array()) in Container.php line 173
  9. at Container->make('paypalusa') in ServiceLocator.php line 60
  10. at ServiceLocator::get('paypalusa') in Module.php line 1091
  11. at ModuleCore::coreLoadModule('paypalusa') in Module.php line 1071
  12. at ModuleCore::getInstanceByName('paypalusa') in Hook.php line 837
  13. at HookCore::exec('displayHeader') in FrontController.php line 557
  14. at FrontControllerCore->initContent() in IndexController.php line 37
  15. at IndexControllerCore->initContent() in Controller.php line 253
  16. at ControllerCore->run() in Dispatcher.php line 428
  17. at DispatcherCore->dispatch() in index.php line 28
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