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[SOLVED] embed / object flash swf in editorial (homepage) - help

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trying to add a flash banner to the homepage...it's simple object/embed code and the flash banner shows up, but it's about HALF the size? also, has issues with different browsers...

I tried the same code in separate html page and it works fine, so i'm guessing somewhere the size is being limited..can anyone help????????

Site: www.ixessories.com

<object id="editorial" width="835" height="400">

     <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
      width="835" height="400" 
      name="editorial" src="editorial.swf"
      bgcolor="#FFFFFF" quality="high"
      swLiveConnect="true" allowScriptAccess="samedomain"

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I see you are using the Moon theme. It seems to have the centre column height fixed at 415px on line 78 of themes/moon/css/global.css:

#main_center_column {width:878px; margin:0 auto 0 auto; height:415px;}

So the height of the centre column will always be at least 415px. If the containing elements are larger than that, it should expand to fit them.

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