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Prestashop Beta har släppts.

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Hej alla Prestashop fan. Prestashop Beta har släppts.

Vad är nytt och vad har fixats. Du kan läsa mer här.

Back Office:
  - New feature:
    - #9117: Add theme custo
    - #8920: Migrate Shop Parameters -> Customer Settings
    - #8680: Migration of page Shop Parameters > Product Settings
    - #8705: Introduce switch type in forms
    - #8604: Migration of page Shop Parameters > General > Maintenance
  - Improvement:
    - #8914: Improve header BO design
    - #9102: Update BO theme to Bootstrap 4 final
    - #5102: Select not ordered cart directly in SQL instead of excluding ordered cart in PHP
    - #9008: Use getBoolean() instead of get() when configuration is bool in Product Settings page
    - #8927: Remove default theme schemes (no longer used)
    - #8947: Hooks for recommended modules & themes
    - #8908: Refactored Form Handling management
    - #8916: Add tips in the back office to improve user experience
    - #8637: Update back-office menu style
    - #8837: Replace Open Sans font with Vazir font for Farsi (BO new theme)
    - #8836: Replace Open Sans font with Vazir font for Farsi (BO default theme)
    - #8896: Optimize breadcrumb computation performances
    - #8814: Module tab new subtree
    - #8523: Migrate Logs page to Symfony
    - #8924: Refactored Back Office controllers
    - #8368: Implement dynamic form customization
    - #8859: Passing language ID for Store object instance
    - #8899: Optimize stock queries
    - #8790: Optimize reserved product quantity update
    - #8515: Upgrade Symfony to 3.4 LTS
    - #8645: Modify string for product page
    - #8489: Improved Product pages templates management
    - #8547: Better performance in order template
    - #8557: Added more informations from args in Hooks profiler
    - #8365: Migrate Administration Page to Symfony
    - #8244: Show installed modules by default instead of the modules selection
    - #8479: Removed old emailing category
  - Bug fix:
    - #9169: Fix product attachment list
    - #9160: Fix 500 while getting order total
    - #9133: Regression with DatePicker and checkboxes on stock page (catalogue > stock)
    - #9157: State filter in catalog page doesn't work
    - #9151: Fix undefined method trans() when loggin on the marketplace from the module page
    - #9143: Fix unknown key route error in customer settings page
    - #9082:  Error while searching for a product
    - #9089: Catch module theme installation error, add error message for invalid module
    - #9028: Introduced re-usable authorization system
    - #9118: Fix BO login icons
    - #9113: Fix wrong css file on BO login page
    - #9106: Add a product removal confirmation
    - #9077: Update welcome module version
    - #9076: Fixed duplicate carts in back office
    - #9084: Saved confirmation message isn't displayed anymore in translation page
    - #9074: Ordering product in BO doesn't work
    - #9086: Fix template on attachment delete
    - #9081: Can't enable maintenance mode
    - #9046: Reduced permission levels for theme edition
    - #9051: Bad link in breadcrumbs in symfony pages
    - #9044: Fix delivery time labels not displayed
    - #9040: Fix Smarty.class.php class not found
    - #8938: Display tabs on the module page with the generic method
    - #9023: Avoid infinite redirects if unhandled exception during BO authentication
    - #8838: Fix tinymce RTL text direction
    - #9004: Fixed search on manufacturer's name
    - #8995: Display the notification count on the proper tab
    - #8932: Fix display error on module selection list
    - #8830: Fix uninitialized $moreStepLabels in AdminImportController
    - #8945: Return default values when api is unavailable
    - #8933: Fix bug on saving store hours
    - #8895: Allow override of every modern template
    - #8918: Add unlimited timeout to dropzone configuration
    - #8700: Admin permission detection of Role classe name
    - #8909: Allow autoloading in modules for services use in BO
    - #8944: Hide Logs page
    - #8923: Fixed url redirection on Administration page
    - #8912: Fixed template path
    - #8910: Collect all hooks for the debugger
    - #8890: Fix display of image form in product page
    - #8864: Removed almost all deprecations on Product page
    - #8863: Fixed misuse of magic routing
    - #8529: Fix bug alignment sidebar menuCollapse Admin theme
    - #8865: Fixed CCC settings
    - #8872: Validator:validateValue is not available in Symfony3
    - #8613: Fixes AdminController's processDeleteImage() redirect after URL
    - #8672: Move submit button to the right in sf forms
    - #8580: Added Back Office missing roles
    - #8611: Fixed bad display manufacturer when multishop
    - #8617: Fix/suppliers block refresh
    - #8588: Add parameter to setMedia
    - #8599: Move Advanced Parameters section to Configure section (Cherry pick)
    - #8524: Fixed forms deprecation (Symfony3) on performance page
    - #8481: Don't display error if AdminShopGroup doesn't exist
- Front Office:
  - Improvement:
    - #8774: Ajax calls for product availability status in front refactored
    - #8833: Hide empty list if all variations are out of stock
    - #8469: Add a few optimisations to speed up the display of the order history page and to allow potential override to skip unneeded costly informations
    - #8792: Update url in Readme :)
    - #8741: Improve SEO - Hn tags in Classic Theme
    - #8652: SEO - Add hreflang links for multilang pages
    - #8563: Add FORCE INDEX to workaround bug in MySQL
    - #8474: Allow developers to add items to breadcrumb from tpl
  - Bug fix:
    - #9134: Fix undefined index on supplier page in FO
    - #9080:  Fix Punycode problem when register
    - #9055: The special offers are disappearing suddenly
    - #9036: Fix infinite loop on multiple vouchers
    - #9073: Fix gift wrapping fees added even if not checked
    - #9027: Fix wrong schema of "InStock" for Out of stock products
    - #8972: Discount / Wrong variable use in loop for mobile
    - #9017: Fix wrong parameter verification, allowing redirection to arbitrary URL
    - #9016: Corrected email subscription form input type
    - #8411: Refactor Cart getOrderTotal
    - #8902: Display the "No Image" image for Products with no image
    - #8884: QUERY_STRING is not set on all environments
    - #8866: Fixed breadcrumb links in ProductController
    - #8823: Fixed broken search after #8741
    - #8636: An error on servers with PHP 7+
    - #8548: Remove useless die in StoresController
- Core:
  - New feature:
    - #8781: Getting Currency data from Currency data layers middleware stack
    - #8888: New Locale integration tests
    - #8935: CLDR : Replace legacy number and price formatting
    - #8246: Make PS compatible with PHP 7.2 
    - #8882: Migrate import page
    - #8883: Migrate ShopParameters->General page
    - #8732: CLDR reference data (files) reader
    - #8722: CLDR Locale Cache data layer
    - #8718: Renamed locale and currency data objects (no more use of "bag")
    - #8698: CLDR Data layers
    - #8693: Number specification Repository, Locale Repository
    - #8683: Locale entity needs to aggregate Price Specifications (one by installed currency)
    - #8667: CLDR currency (interface, entity and repository)
    - #8662: Moved CLDR to Core
    - #8597: CLDR number formatter
    - #8581: CLDR specification entities
  - Improvement:
    - #9167: Update native module versions
    - #9079: Added $result (from facet) in hook filterProductSearch
    - #9048: Removed if statment
    - #9038: Update pull request template
    - #9022: Make bin/console executable
    - #8996: New doc block for method, reduced code of method
    - #9020: Update to right name, markdown with links and more
    - #9021: Create LICENCE.md
    - #9018: Add copyright information to the license.
    - #8979: Move administration page to proper location
    - #8980: Remove deprecated message for DataCollectorInterface
    - #8970: Improved readability
    - #8959: Able to pass hook as a parameter
    - #7944: Call getPackageShippingCost of modules even if carrier is free
    - #8853: Make override of object models easy
    - #8876: Disable Symfony tokenization in routing
    - #8270: Allow modifying IdentityController to save personal information without password
    - #8514: Added GroupBy option for actionAdminProductsListingFieldsModifier hook
    - #8885: Improve PrestaShopBundle config structure
    - #8764: Change all links to PrestaShop Help/Addons/Developers from http to https
    - #8756: Update license headers for 2018
    - #8709: OrderDetailsController should use Tools::getRemoteAddr() function instead of instead of $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']
    - #8656: Fix services naming
    - #8625: Update README.md
    - #8583: Add help for upgrade file
    - #8566: Use official Smarty lib
    - #8606: Fixed newsletter registration date doc
    - #8561: Make Symfony form management more robust
    - #8602: Handle form request after authorization check in PerformanceController
    - #8546: Add some missing Phpdoc in SpecificPrice
    - #8405: Update PrestaShop deps: Symfony3, PHP 5.6 and PHPUnit 5.7
    - #8486: Refactor code in ControllerCore and AbstractFormCore
    - #8483: Module name in order details data
  - Bug fix:
    - #9064: Fixed list of activated modules
    - #9054: Added missing use statment in AddonsCollection class
    - #9029: Revert CLDR integration
    - #8985: Fixed order gets wrong status when ordered all qty of the product.
    - #9010: Check if template_vars if an array before merge in OrderHistory::sendEmail() 
    - #8767: Show prices within a tax if it's needed
    - #8998: Create missing subfolders in folder override/classes
    - #8954: Allowed robots access to assets requierd to be mobile-friendly
    - #8976: Set cache driver in container instead of env var CACHE_DRIVER
    - #8831: Better handling of invalid modules from Addons API
    - #8962: Properly handle set of the PK value in the EntityMapper
    - #8960: Fixed undefined class constant
    - #8600: Fix fatal on array_merge if query in addMissingProductFields returns no result
    - #8757: Prevent using "¤" and "|" as customer name
    - #8928: Change php version in server configuration
    - #8926: Fix deprecation message
    - #8754: Fix non-filtered meta by filterHtmlContent hook
    - #8743: Fix the links sent in the mails (multilingualism)
    - #8685: Fixed link_rewrite argument for getImageLink().
    - #8689: Fix translator in prod mode
    - #8674: Rename old paths of cache and logs for SF 3
    - #8694: Product name error if not english
    - #8399: Fix search relevance wrong sort order
    - #8458: Default AJAX Relevance search sort order is wrong
    - #8582: On CLI, display simple information on PrestaShopException
    - #8576: Added new gitignore directives about translation packs
    - #8573: Added docs about CSV import samples
    - #8511: Fix array declaration
    - #8488: Fix robots.txt, exclude order param
- Installer:
  - New feature:
    - #7721: Add docker compose
  - Improvement:
    - #8889: Add tests for getDirectories
    - #8788: Speed up test_dir with a lot of files present in a directory
    - #8789: Do not call search::indexation at each entity creation
    - #8668: Allow to setup the shop with SSL by default using CLI installer
  - Bug fix:
    - #9052: Fix error populating tables when installing in Greek
    - #8981: Set explicit version of MySQL in docker-compose.yml
    - #8020: Fix not handled new tab ID during migration
    - #8556: Fix store hours migration
- Localization:
  - Improvement:
    - #8997: Fix TVA rate in Tunisia
- Tests:
  - New feature:
    - #8869: Click on discover button
    - #8911: Create order by a guest
    - #8870: Options in catalog page
    - #8894: Delete feature with bulk actions
    - #8901: Check addons theme
    - #8900: CMS Page and category
    - #8826: Create, edit, delete and delete with bulk actions customer
    - #8874: Check notifications
    - #8879: Test Buttons (Preview, Duplicate, Online, Go to catalog, Add a new product, Delete) in add product page
    - #8875: Check the addons catalog page
    - #8852: Delete attribute with bulk actions
    - #8775: Add new functional test suite
  - Improvement:
    - #8994: Update the Onboarding scenario
    - #8939: Adaptation of the test for the version on the developed branch
    - #8983: Parallelize builds
    - #8961: Add some missing elements ids
    - #8412: Run web installation with functional tests
  - Bug fix:
    - #9070: Disable e2e tests related to Addons for 1.7.4.x
    - #9032: Fix regular tests
    - #9030: Fix travis reporting build as succeeded when it fails
    - #8950: Fix regular tests
    - #8886: Properly set the test database by taking into account the environment  with console commands
    - #8841: Fixed travis build (updated Chrome version)
    - #8629: Do no rely on external URL for tests (Returns different content)
    - #8627: Temporarily disable PSFunctionalTests
    - #8594: Make everything work with next release of travis




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