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[Solved] Email configuration problem


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Do you mean you don't want both an "Order confirmation" and "Payment accepted" email to be sent to the customer? You can go to Orders > Statuses, edit the "Payment accepted" status and untick "Send e-mail to customer when order is changed to this status".

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  • 2 months later...


Really struggling with this. I want the same as above but I only have downloadable products. If I turn off "Payment Accepted" emails in BO it then doesn't send "Virtual product to download" email!

I have searched through a load of stuff on this forum but can't find the answer. (I have seen other posts saying they didn't get the order confirmation email if they turned off "Payment Accepted").

Any ideas?

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  • 1 month later...
Do you mean you don't want both an "Order confirmation" and "Payment accepted" email to be sent to the customer? You can go to Orders > Statuses, edit the "Payment accepted" status and untick "Send e-mail to customer when order is changed to this status".

When I do this, the payment accepted email is disabled and not sent, but it also seems to disable the order confirmation email as well, so then the customer doesn't receive any type of confirmation from my store.

Anyone know how to work around this?

I would like customer to only receive the order confirmation email once the payment has been processed. It seems quite repetitive to send the payment accepted immediately followed by the order confirmation.
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