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Hi there again

In Finland, post has 2 different kind of systems regarding our website. 1st is rectangular box with maximum depth of 3-5 cm. So it is more suitable for putting candies and chocolate bars only.

Other option is package of any size. This option we are going to use for jellies, jams and juices contained in glass containers.

So it means that some of our products can fit into 1st rectangular box while some of them needs to be put to box of some different shape.

There is a lots of difference in the prices of both packages even if weight is same. Also 1st category has different rate for Europe while rest of the world comes at same price. Box kind of package is different for different regions which are custom made.

So how can I configure that some products checkout with shipping should be different while other's checkout with same delivery address to different price?

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  • 2 years later...

I decided referesh the post because I have the same problem.
How to resolve shipping fees when weight and price of 2 different products is the same. Difference is in shapes of the products so in this case post fees are different.

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