b22c Posted June 7, 2018 Share Posted June 7, 2018 Hi, i cant send emails, i am testing and give an error "an error occur when sending the message". I dont change any standart configuration so i dont know why is not sending messages... Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NemoPS Posted June 8, 2018 Share Posted June 8, 2018 How are emails setup in the backoffice? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
b22c Posted June 12, 2018 Author Share Posted June 12, 2018 Hi, i dont change the options as you can see in the screenshot. Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NemoPS Posted June 14, 2018 Share Posted June 14, 2018 Does the test email work if you send it from there? You can also enable debug mode from the performance preferences, and see if you get something clearer as error message Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MIfzal Mufthi Posted June 14, 2018 Share Posted June 14, 2018 (edited) Don't make any changes. Just do only this. controllers/front/ContactController.php <?php /* * 2007-2016 PrestaShop * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information. * * @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]> * @copyright 2007-2016 PrestaShop SA * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ class ContactControllerCore extends FrontController { public $php_self = 'contact'; public $ssl = true; /** * Start forms process * @see FrontController::postProcess() */ public function postProcess() { if (Tools::isSubmit('submitMessage')) { $saveContactKey = $this->context->cookie->contactFormKey; $extension = array('.txt', '.rtf', '.doc', '.docx', '.pdf', '.zip', '.png', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.jpg'); $file_attachment = Tools::fileAttachment('fileUpload'); $message = Tools::getValue('message'); // Html entities is not usefull, iscleanHtml check there is no bad html tags. $url = Tools::getValue('url'); if (!($from = trim(Tools::getValue('from'))) || !Validate::isEmail($from)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid email address.'); } elseif (!$message) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('The message cannot be blank.'); } elseif (!Validate::isCleanHtml($message)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid message'); } elseif (!($id_contact = (int)Tools::getValue('id_contact')) || !(Validate::isLoadedObject($contact = new Contact($id_contact, $this->context->language->id)))) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Please select a subject from the list provided. '); } elseif (!empty($file_attachment['name']) && $file_attachment['error'] != 0) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred during the file-upload process.'); } elseif (!empty($file_attachment['name']) && !in_array(Tools::strtolower(substr($file_attachment['name'], -4)), $extension) && !in_array(Tools::strtolower(substr($file_attachment['name'], -5)), $extension)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Bad file extension'); } elseif ($url === false || !empty($url) || $saveContactKey != (Tools::getValue('contactKey'))) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while sending the message.'); } else { $customer = $this->context->customer; if (!$customer->id) { $customer->getByEmail($from); } $id_order = (int)$this->getOrder(); if (!(( ($id_customer_thread = (int)Tools::getValue('id_customer_thread')) && (int)Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT cm.id_customer_thread FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_thread cm WHERE cm.id_customer_thread = '.(int)$id_customer_thread.' AND cm.id_shop = '.(int)$this->context->shop->id.' AND token = \''.pSQL(Tools::getValue('token')).'\'') ) || ( $id_customer_thread = CustomerThread::getIdCustomerThreadByEmailAndIdOrder($from, $id_order) ))) { $fields = Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT cm.id_customer_thread, cm.id_contact, cm.id_customer, cm.id_order, cm.id_product, cm.email FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_thread cm WHERE email = \''.pSQL($from).'\' AND cm.id_shop = '.(int)$this->context->shop->id.' AND ('. ($customer->id ? 'id_customer = '.(int)$customer->id.' OR ' : '').' id_order = '.(int)$id_order.')'); $score = 0; foreach ($fields as $key => $row) { $tmp = 0; if ((int)$row['id_customer'] && $row['id_customer'] != $customer->id && $row['email'] != $from) { continue; } if ($row['id_order'] != 0 && $id_order != $row['id_order']) { continue; } if ($row['email'] == $from) { $tmp += 4; } if ($row['id_contact'] == $id_contact) { $tmp++; } if (Tools::getValue('id_product') != 0 && $row['id_product'] == Tools::getValue('id_product')) { $tmp += 2; } if ($tmp >= 5 && $tmp >= $score) { $score = $tmp; $id_customer_thread = $row['id_customer_thread']; } } } $old_message = Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT cm.message FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_message cm LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_thread cc on (cm.id_customer_thread = cc.id_customer_thread) WHERE cc.id_customer_thread = '.(int)$id_customer_thread.' AND cc.id_shop = '.(int)$this->context->shop->id.' ORDER BY cm.date_add DESC'); if ($old_message == $message) { $this->context->smarty->assign('alreadySent', 1); $contact->email = ''; $contact->customer_service = 0; } if ($contact->customer_service) { if ((int)$id_customer_thread) { $ct = new CustomerThread($id_customer_thread); $ct->status = 'open'; $ct->id_lang = (int)$this->context->language->id; $ct->id_contact = (int)$id_contact; $ct->id_order = (int)$id_order; if ($id_product = (int)Tools::getValue('id_product')) { $ct->id_product = $id_product; } $ct->update(); } else { $ct = new CustomerThread(); if (isset($customer->id)) { $ct->id_customer = (int)$customer->id; } $ct->id_shop = (int)$this->context->shop->id; $ct->id_order = (int)$id_order; if ($id_product = (int)Tools::getValue('id_product')) { $ct->id_product = $id_product; } $ct->id_contact = (int)$id_contact; $ct->id_lang = (int)$this->context->language->id; $ct->email = $from; $ct->status = 'open'; $ct->token = Tools::passwdGen(12); $ct->add(); } if ($ct->id) { $cm = new CustomerMessage(); $cm->id_customer_thread = $ct->id; $cm->message = $message; if (isset($file_attachment['rename']) && !empty($file_attachment['rename']) && rename($file_attachment['tmp_name'], _PS_UPLOAD_DIR_.basename($file_attachment['rename']))) { $cm->file_name = $file_attachment['rename']; @chmod(_PS_UPLOAD_DIR_.basename($file_attachment['rename']), 0664); } $cm->ip_address = (int)ip2long(Tools::getRemoteAddr()); $cm->user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (!$cm->add()) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while sending the message.'); } } else { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while sending the message.'); } } if (!count($this->errors)) { $var_list = array( '{order_name}' => '-', '{attached_file}' => '-', '{message}' => Tools::nl2br(stripslashes($message)), '{email}' => $from, '{product_name}' => '', ); if (isset($file_attachment['name'])) { $var_list['{attached_file}'] = $file_attachment['name']; } $id_product = (int)Tools::getValue('id_product'); if (isset($ct) && Validate::isLoadedObject($ct) && $ct->id_order) { $order = new Order((int)$ct->id_order); $var_list['{order_name}'] = $order->getUniqReference(); $var_list['{id_order}'] = (int)$order->id; } if ($id_product) { $product = new Product((int)$id_product); if (Validate::isLoadedObject($product) && isset($product->name[Context::getContext()->language->id])) { $var_list['{product_name}'] = $product->name[Context::getContext()->language->id]; } } if (empty($contact->email)) { Mail::Send($this->context->language->id, 'contact_form', ((isset($ct) && Validate::isLoadedObject($ct)) ? sprintf(Mail::l('Your message has been correctly sent #ct%1$s #tc%2$s'), $ct->id, $ct->token) : Mail::l('Your message has been correctly sent')), $var_list, $from, null, null, null, $file_attachment); } else { if (!Mail::Send($this->context->language->id, 'contact', Mail::l('Message from contact form').' [no_sync]', $var_list, $contact->email, $contact->name, null, null, $file_attachment, null, _PS_MAIL_DIR_, false, null, null, $from) || !Mail::Send($this->context->language->id, 'contact_form', ((isset($ct) && Validate::isLoadedObject($ct)) ? sprintf(Mail::l('Your message has been correctly sent #ct%1$s #tc%2$s'), $ct->id, $ct->token) : Mail::l('Your message has been correctly sent')), $var_list, $from, null, null, null, $file_attachment, null, _PS_MAIL_DIR_, false, null, null, $contact->email)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while sending the message.'); } } } if (count($this->errors) > 1) { array_unique($this->errors); } elseif (!count($this->errors)) { $this->context->smarty->assign('confirmation', 1); } } } } public function setMedia() { parent::setMedia(); $this->addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'contact-form.css'); $this->addJS(_THEME_JS_DIR_.'contact-form.js'); $this->addJS(_PS_JS_DIR_.'validate.js'); } /** * Assign template vars related to page content * @see FrontController::initContent() */ public function initContent() { parent::initContent(); $this->assignOrderList(); $email = Tools::safeOutput(Tools::getValue('from', ((isset($this->context->cookie) && isset($this->context->cookie->email) && Validate::isEmail($this->context->cookie->email)) ? $this->context->cookie->email : ''))); $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'errors' => $this->errors, 'email' => $email, 'fileupload' => Configuration::get('PS_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_FILE_UPLOAD'), 'max_upload_size' => (int)Tools::getMaxUploadSize() )); if (($id_customer_thread = (int)Tools::getValue('id_customer_thread')) && $token = Tools::getValue('token')) { $customer_thread = Db::getInstance()->getRow(' SELECT cm.* FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_thread cm WHERE cm.id_customer_thread = '.(int)$id_customer_thread.' AND cm.id_shop = '.(int)$this->context->shop->id.' AND token = \''.pSQL($token).'\' '); $order = new Order((int)$customer_thread['id_order']); if (Validate::isLoadedObject($order)) { $customer_thread['reference'] = $order->getUniqReference(); } $this->context->smarty->assign('customerThread', $customer_thread); } $contactKey = md5(uniqid(microtime(), true)); $this->context->cookie->__set('contactFormKey', $contactKey); $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'contacts' => Contact::getContacts($this->context->language->id), 'message' => html_entity_decode(Tools::getValue('message')), 'contactKey' => $contactKey, )); $this->setTemplate(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'contact-form.tpl'); } /** * Assign template vars related to order list and product list ordered by the customer */ protected function assignOrderList() { if ($this->context->customer->isLogged()) { $this->context->smarty->assign('isLogged', 1); $products = array(); $result = Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT id_order FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'orders WHERE id_customer = '.(int)$this->context->customer->id.Shop::addSqlRestriction(Shop::SHARE_ORDER).' ORDER BY date_add'); $orders = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { $order = new Order($row['id_order']); $date = explode(' ', $order->date_add); $tmp = $order->getProducts(); foreach ($tmp as $key => $val) { $products[$row['id_order']][$val['product_id']] = array('value' => $val['product_id'], 'label' => $val['product_name']); } $orders[] = array('value' => $order->id, 'label' => $order->getUniqReference().' - '.Tools::displayDate($date[0], null) , 'selected' => (int)$this->getOrder() == $order->id); } $this->context->smarty->assign('orderList', $orders); $this->context->smarty->assign('orderedProductList', $products); } } protected function getOrder() { $id_order = false; if (!is_numeric($reference = Tools::getValue('id_order'))) { $reference = ltrim($reference, '#'); $orders = Order::getByReference($reference); if ($orders) { foreach ($orders as $order) { $id_order = (int)$order->id; break; } } elseif (Order::getCartIdStatic((int)Tools::getValue('id_order'))) { $id_order = (int)Tools::getValue('id_order'); } return (int)$id_order; } } Then, change the file contents themes/yourtheme/contact-form.tpl {* * 2007-2016 PrestaShop * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information. * * @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]> * @copyright 2007-2016 PrestaShop SA * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA *} {capture name=path}{l s='Contact'}{/capture} <h1 class="page-heading bottom-indent"> {l s='Customer service'} - {if isset($customerThread) && $customerThread}{l s='Your reply'}{else}{l s='Contact us'}{/if} </h1> {if isset($confirmation)} <p class="alert alert-success">{l s='Your message has been successfully sent to our team.'}</p> <ul class="footer_links clearfix"> <li> <a class="btn btn-default button button-small" href="{if isset($force_ssl) && $force_ssl}{$base_dir_ssl}{else}{$base_dir}{/if}"> <span> <i class="icon-chevron-left"></i>{l s='Home'} </span> </a> </li> </ul> {elseif isset($alreadySent)} <p class="alert alert-warning">{l s='Your message has already been sent.'}</p> <ul class="footer_links clearfix"> <li> <a class="btn btn-default button button-small" href="{if isset($force_ssl) && $force_ssl}{$base_dir_ssl}{else}{$base_dir}{/if}"> <span> <i class="icon-chevron-left"></i>{l s='Home'} </span> </a> </li> </ul> {else} {include file="$tpl_dir./errors.tpl"} <form action="{$request_uri}" method="post" class="contact-form-box" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <fieldset> <h3 class="page-subheading">{l s='send a message'}</h3> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3"> <div class="form-group selector1"> <label for="id_contact">{l s='Subject Heading'}</label> {if isset($customerThread.id_contact) && $customerThread.id_contact && $contacts|count} {assign var=flag value=true} {foreach from=$contacts item=contact} {if $contact.id_contact == $customerThread.id_contact} <input type="text" class="form-control" id="contact_name" name="contact_name" value="{$contact.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" readonly="readonly" /> <input type="hidden" name="id_contact" value="{$contact.id_contact|intval}" /> {$flag=false} {/if} {/foreach} {if $flag && isset($contacts.0.id_contact)} <input type="text" class="form-control" id="contact_name" name="contact_name" value="{$contacts.0.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" readonly="readonly" /> <input type="hidden" name="id_contact" value="{$contacts.0.id_contact|intval}" /> {/if} </div> {else} <select id="id_contact" class="form-control" name="id_contact"> <option value="0">{l s='-- Choose --'}</option> {foreach from=$contacts item=contact} <option value="{$contact.id_contact|intval}"{if isset($smarty.request.id_contact) && $smarty.request.id_contact == $contact.id_contact} selected="selected"{/if}>{$contact.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</option> {/foreach} </select> </div> <p id="desc_contact0" class="desc_contact{if isset($smarty.request.id_contact)} unvisible{/if}"> </p> {foreach from=$contacts item=contact} <p id="desc_contact{$contact.id_contact|intval}" class="desc_contact contact-title{if !isset($smarty.request.id_contact) || $smarty.request.id_contact|intval != $contact.id_contact|intval} unvisible{/if}"> <i class="icon-comment-alt"></i>{$contact.description|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} </p> {/foreach} {/if} <p class="form-group"> <label for="email">{l s='Email address'}</label> {if isset($customerThread.email)} <input class="form-control grey" type="text" id="email" name="from" value="{$customerThread.email|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" readonly="readonly" /> {else} <input class="form-control grey validate" type="text" id="email" name="from" data-validate="isEmail" value="{$email|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" /> {/if} </p> {if !$PS_CATALOG_MODE} {if (!isset($customerThread.id_order) || $customerThread.id_order > 0)} <div class="form-group selector1"> <label>{l s='Order reference'}</label> {if !isset($customerThread.id_order) && isset($is_logged) && $is_logged} <select name="id_order" class="form-control"> <option value="0">{l s='-- Choose --'}</option> {foreach from=$orderList item=order} <option value="{$order.value|intval}"{if $order.selected|intval} selected="selected"{/if}>{$order.label|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</option> {/foreach} </select> {elseif !isset($customerThread.id_order) && empty($is_logged)} <input class="form-control grey" type="text" name="id_order" id="id_order" value="{if isset($customerThread.id_order) && $customerThread.id_order|intval > 0}{$customerThread.id_order|intval}{else}{if isset($smarty.post.id_order) && !empty($smarty.post.id_order)}{$smarty.post.id_order|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}{/if}" /> {elseif $customerThread.id_order|intval > 0} <input class="form-control grey" type="text" name="id_order" id="id_order" value="{if isset($customerThread.reference) && $customerThread.reference}{$customerThread.reference|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{else}{$customerThread.id_order|intval}{/if}" readonly="readonly" /> {/if} </div> {/if} {if isset($is_logged) && $is_logged} <div class="form-group selector1"> <label class="unvisible">{l s='Product'}</label> {if !isset($customerThread.id_product)} {foreach from=$orderedProductList key=id_order item=products name=products} <select name="id_product" id="{$id_order}_order_products" class="unvisible product_select form-control"{if !$smarty.foreach.products.first} style="display:none;"{/if}{if !$smarty.foreach.products.first} disabled="disabled"{/if}> <option value="0">{l s='-- Choose --'}</option> {foreach from=$products item=product} <option value="{$product.value|intval}">{$product.label|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</option> {/foreach} </select> {/foreach} {elseif $customerThread.id_product > 0} <input type="hidden" name="id_product" id="id_product" value="{$customerThread.id_product|intval}" readonly="readonly" /> {/if} </div> {/if} {/if} {if $fileupload == 1} <p class="form-group"> <label for="fileUpload">{l s='Attach File'}</label> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="{if isset($max_upload_size) && $max_upload_size}{$max_upload_size|intval}{else}2000000{/if}" /> <input type="file" name="fileUpload" id="fileUpload" class="form-control" /> </p> {/if} </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-9"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="message">{l s='Message'}</label> <textarea class="form-control" id="message" name="message">{if isset($message)}{$message|escape:'html':'UTF-8'|stripslashes}{/if}</textarea> </div> </div> </div> <div class="submit"> <input type="text" name="url" value="" class="hidden" /> <input type="hidden" name="contactKey" value="{$contactKey}" /> <button type="submit" name="submitMessage" id="submitMessage" class="button btn btn-default button-medium"><span>{l s='Send'}<i class="icon-chevron-right right"></i></span></button> </div> </fieldset> </form> {/if} {addJsDefL name='contact_fileDefaultHtml'}{l s='No file selected' js=1}{/addJsDefL} {addJsDefL name='contact_fileButtonHtml'}{l s='Choose File' js=1}{/addJsDefL} Edited June 14, 2018 by MIfzal Mufthi (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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