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Multistore redirect by language

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I have a problem with multistore setup.

I'm looking for a solution. I want to use the multistore tool in prestashop 1.7 to separate Polish and German clients. To achieve that I want to make two shops: www.febe.store/pl and www.febe.store/de.
Products will be same for this two shops. But:
At polish shop, I only want Polish language and Polish Zloty currency and 23% tax.
At german shop, I only want German language and Euro currency and 19% tax.

I have set up everything at backoffice, but I have one problem. Geolocalisation / redirect.

I want my client to be redirected to shop in his language.
For example. German client will type "www.febe.store" to his browser. Presta will recognize his language and redirect him to our German shop - www.febe.store/de.


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Hi, there is no reason to 'redirect' based on language.   your shop (I assume already supports the languages).....

if shops are the same then what does it matter that they have their own language shop....

enabling multishop to support this is really just not logical....and do not recommend...oh and you can try and convince me otherwise, but it wont' work....

logically you separate german/polish by 'domain', i.e. .de/.pl ccTLD's.  this just to grow your by country organics...


note:  just because someone creates module or hack to redirect language does not make it a good idea....



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