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Multiple redirects for new site structure - is there an easy way?


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Am re-designing site structure and this requires a major restructuring of categories in menus and re-assigning products to those new categories from the old ones.

I know I can use redirect 301's in htaccess to do this per product and per category, but is there an easier way to do this without using hundreds of redirects for each product in those new categories.

for example I have a catering category containing certain products. The current links to each product would be;



http://domain.com/catering/3-product-three.html etc.

How could I change these to:




Similarly for categories list pages:



http://domain.com/2-food etc

Must be an easier way than doing hundreds of 301 redirects??






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I am puzzled by your request. What do you really want?

Prestashop has an automatic redirect. if you moved http://domain.com/catering/1-product-one.html to http://domain.com/food/1-product-one.html a call to the first will automatically be redirected to the second. No need for a 301 with that.

With Prestools you can easily re-assign products en masse to a different category.


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Yes I know that the products will find the 'new' URL. I've tested that out and it works just fine. Including 'old' category results on Google.

It was actually the impact on Google I was thinking about. Google will eventually pick up the changed URLs and update as I update sitemap nightly.

But will the moved URLs have any impact on SEO ranking?

I presume I will however have to add in 301's for the product listing pages, or will the built in Regex from Prestashop handle those too?


Thanks again


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