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Sort by AND number of products don't work anymore


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Dear Prestashop forum,


I have a problem on my Prestashop default theme. I installed a module that makes the URLs structure better, but now I think it causes a problem with the Sort by and show number of products. Hours and hours i' m trying to fix the problem, but I' m not able to find the solution.


My URL: http://goo.gl/Fkfv3z

This is inside the: product-sort.tpl


	<!-- Sort products -->
	{if isset($smarty.get.id_category) && $smarty.get.id_category}
		{assign var='request' value=$link->getPaginationLink('category', $category, false, true)
}	{elseif isset($smarty.get.id_manufacturer) && $smarty.get.id_manufacturer}
		{assign var='request' value=$link->getPaginationLink('manufacturer', $manufacturer, false, true)}
	{elseif isset($smarty.get.id_supplier) && $smarty.get.id_supplier}
		{assign var='request' value=$link->getPaginationLink('supplier', $supplier, false, true)}
		{assign var='request' value=$link->getPaginationLink(false, false, false, true)}
{if $page_name == 'best-sales' && (!isset($smarty.get.orderby) || empty($smarty.get.orderby))}{$orderby = ''}{$orderbydefault = ''}{/if}
<form id="productsSortForm{if isset($paginationId)}_{$paginationId}{/if}" action="{$request|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" class="productsSortForm">
	<div class="select selector1">
		<label for="selectProductSort{if isset($paginationId)}_{$paginationId}{/if}">{l s='Sort by'}</label>
		<select id="selectProductSort{if isset($paginationId)}_{$paginationId}{/if}" class="selectProductSort form-control">
			<option value="{if $page_name != 'best-sales'}{$orderbydefault|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}:{$orderwaydefault|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}"{if !in_array($orderby, array('price', 'name', 'quantity', 'reference')) && $orderby eq $orderbydefault} selected="selected"{/if}>--</option>
				<option value="price:asc"{if $orderby eq 'price' AND $orderway eq 'asc'} selected="selected"{/if}>{l s='Price: Lowest first'}</option>
				<option value="price:desc"{if $orderby eq 'price' AND $orderway eq 'desc'} selected="selected"{/if}>{l s='Price: Highest first'}</option>
			<option value="name:asc"{if $orderby eq 'name' AND $orderway eq 'asc'} selected="selected"{/if}>{l s='Product Name: A to Z'}</option>
			<option value="name:desc"{if $orderby eq 'name' AND $orderway eq 'desc'} selected="selected"{/if}>{l s='Product Name: Z to A'}</option>
				<option value="quantity:desc"{if $orderby eq 'quantity' AND $orderway eq 'desc'} selected="selected"{/if}>{l s='In stock'}</option>
			<option value="reference:asc"{if $orderby eq 'reference' AND $orderway eq 'asc'} selected="selected"{/if}>{l s='Reference: Lowest first'}</option>
			<option value="reference:desc"{if $orderby eq 'reference' AND $orderway eq 'desc'} selected="selected"{/if}>{l s='Reference: Highest first'}</option>
<!-- /Sort products -->


The changed rules inside  Dispatcher (because of the nicer URLS):

'category_rule' => array(
			'controller' =>	'category',
			'rule' => '{categories:/}{rewrite}/',
			'keywords' => array(
				'id' =>				array('regexp' => '[0-9]+'),
				'rewrite' =>		array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*', 'param' => 'category_rewrite'),
				'categories' => array('regexp' => '[/_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),
				'meta_keywords' =>	array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),
				'meta_title' =>		array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),


The must be a problem that my default prestashop wants to see a ID, but the Cleanurl module did removed this ID so he gives a 404 error, because he can't find it. Please please please, can some one help me with this problem?


Another problem is that, when you select 33 products of 66 products I get a error:  ?n=33

People are now getting irritated and will leave the website :(


Default Theme.


Looking forward for some help!





Edited by Jeurdi (see edit history)
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I fixed it! Yeahhh. It was a problem with the block layerend. If you give every category the option from 5 euros till 120 euros in the side menu.. Then it works again. So it was not the nice URLs but the block layered module :). You can close this topic.

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