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Is there an easy way to add a customer and his address?

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Adding a Customer:

Go to your admin area, click on the CUSTOMER tab, click on the add button, there will be a page to ad customer and his address.

If you are trying to add a database of existent clients

Go to your admin area, click on the TOOLS tab, Click on the import link, page opens for imports, select Customers in the Select which entity to import

Fields need it for your file are:

Active (0/1)
Gender ID (Mr = 1, Ms = 2, else 9)
E-mail *
Password *
Birthday (yyyy-mm-dd)
Lastname *
Firstname *
Newsletter (0/1)
Optin (0/1)
* Required Fields
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Two questions on this subject:

1) I am trying to do the CSV import (option 2) and I am a little nervous as I will be doing this on our live site. Are there any bugs/issues I should be aware of? I have created my csv file in excel (which I understand can be a little flaky), however, I have copied it to notepad and will save it as a text from there.

2) Ideally, I'd really like to have a "test site" so that I can try all of these from there. Do you have any suggestions?

thank you very much


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