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referrer question

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Yesterday i was all day looking for infor about affiliate program or referrer system on Prestashop.
I know where configure it (stats->referers) and i know (i think) how to configure it (url or uri, percentage...).

First: Im using last stable version:

How referrer system work:

When one user come from one referrer and he buy something, the referrer get his %:
If referrer get 10% from his users:
User 1 come from this referrer, and buy something for 100$. So this referrer get 10$, true?

Now my question...

The user who bought for 100$, come back next month. User's cookies are clear, or he are using another pc/browser.
Then this user buy somethig for 200$. Referrer get his % ? his 20$ ? Or he only get money from first buy ?

I can't find any info about it, only this "bug":

So i think yes, the referrer get his comission from first and next purchases. Is it correct ?

I hope anyone can clarify these points.

Thanks and regards.

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