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You can locate the file authentication.tpl at... themes/prestashop ... Download the file and open it with notepad. Copy the text included in the attached file over the old text replacing it with the text included in the file... Save it and upload the file back to server. Make sure the extention at the end of the file is .tpl, or rename it to authentication.tpl before you upload it to the server. The option for birth date, and gender will disappear. I hope this helps.

Text below as server does not let you download attachments directly.


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{capture name=path}{l s='Login'}{/capture}
{include file=$tpl_dir./breadcrumb.tpl}
// <![CDATA[
idSelectedCountry = {if isset($smarty.post.id_state)}{$smarty.post.id_state|intval}{else}false{/if};
countries = new Array();
countriesNeedIDNumber = new Array();
{foreach from=$countries item='country'}
{if isset($country.states) && $country.contains_states}
countries[{$country.id_country|intval}] = new Array();
{foreach from=$country.states item='state' name='states'}
countries[{$country.id_country|intval}].push({ldelim}'id' : '{$state.id_state}', 'name' : '{$state.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}'{rdelim});
{if $country.need_identification_number}

{if !isset($email_create)}{l s='Log in'}{else}{l s='Create your account'}{/if}

{assign var='current_step' value='login'}
{include file=$tpl_dir./order-steps.tpl}
{include file=$tpl_dir./errors.tpl}
{if !isset($email_create)}
<form action="{$base_dir_ssl}authentication.php" method="post" id="create-account_form" class="std">

{l s='Create your account'}

{l s='Enter your e-mail address to create your account'}.

{l s='E-mail address'}
<input type="text" id="email_create" name="email_create" value="{if isset($smarty.post.email_create)}{$smarty.post.email_create|escape:'htmlall'|stripslashes}{/if}" class="account_input" /></span>

{if isset($back)}<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="back" value="{$back|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" />{/if}
<input type="submit" id="SubmitCreate" name="SubmitCreate" class="button_large" value="{l s='Create your account'}" />
<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="SubmitCreate" value="{l s='Create your account'}" />

<form action="{$base_dir_ssl}authentication.php" method="post" id="login_form" class="std">

{l s='Already registered ?'}

{l s='E-mail address'}
<input type="text" id="email" name="email" value="{if isset($smarty.post.email)}{$smarty.post.email|escape:'htmlall'|stripslashes}{/if}" class="account_input" /></span>

{l s='Password'}
<input type="password" id="passwd" name="passwd" value="{if isset($smarty.post.passwd)}{$smarty.post.passwd|escape:'htmlall'|stripslashes}{/if}" class="account_input" /></span>

{if isset($back)}<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="back" value="{$back|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" />{/if}
<input type="submit" id="SubmitLogin" name="SubmitLogin" class="button" value="{l s='Log in'}" />

{l s='Forgot your password?'}

<form action="{$base_dir_ssl}authentication.php" method="post" id="account-creation_form" class="std">

{l s='Your personal information'}

{l s='First name'}

{l s='Last name'}

{l s='E-mail'}
<input type="text" class="text" id="email" name="email" value="{if isset($smarty.post.email)}{$smarty.post.email}{/if}" />

{l s='Password'}
<input type="password" class="text" name="passwd" id="passwd" />
{l s='(5 characters min.)'}

<input type="checkbox" name="newsletter" id="newsletter" value="1" {if isset($smarty.post.newsletter) AND $smarty.post.newsletter == 1} checked="checked"{/if} />
{l s='Sign up for our newsletter'}

<input type="checkbox"name="optin" id="optin" value="1" {if isset($smarty.post.optin) AND $smarty.post.optin == 1} checked="checked"{/if} />

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