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O intrebare legata de JQuery Carousel Plugin

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Buna dimineata domnilor! As vrea sa intreb ceva in legatura cu JQuery Carousel Plugin, mai exact cum reusesc sa scot textul "JQuery Carousel Plugin" care apare sus in partea stanga precum si numarul de slide-uri. Precizez ca am modificat optiunile care era in carousel_behavior.js ( de mai jos ) si tot nu vrea.

   if (agile_validated == 'pass') {
           slide_containter_elem = $(this);
           var defaults = {
               alt_attributes: "no",
               continue_timer_after_click: "no",
               custom_data: "no",
               disable_on_first_last: "no",
               first_last_buttons: "no",
               first_slide_is_intro: "no",
               hover_next_prev_buttons: "no",
               target_attributes: "no",
               intro_timer_length: "3000",
               intro_transtion: "no",
               next_prev_buttons: "yes",
               number_slides_visible: "1",
               pause_button: "yes",
               php_doc_location: "make_slides.php",
               remove_content: "yes",
               slide_buttons: "yes",
               slide_captions: "no",
               slide_directory: "slides",
               path_to_slides: "slides",
               doctype: "html",
               slide_links: "yes",
               slide_number_display: "no",
               stop_rotate_on_hover: "yes",
               timer_length: "7000",
               timer_on: "yes",
               transition_duration: 1000,
               transition_easing: "swing",
               transition_type: "carousel",
               water_mark: "yes"

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