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Codice Fiscale e Partita IVa for Italian user.

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Good moring at all,

I follow every day this marvelous project and I ask you a question.

And' anticipated that introduces in the form of recording consumer the fields for Fiscal Code (16 car) and Partita Iva (11 num) for the Italian consumers?


And another at the registration account

zip OK          00012

City OK        Tivoli

Provincia no OK      Roma

Nation OK    Italy



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Hi maxcolo,


For the next release ( v0.9.8 ) we are adding "States/Regions" information which will allow merchants to ask customers in which state or region or province they reside, and also to set up shipping information for those states in the Back Office >> Shipping tab.


As for extra fields such as a VAT ID number, as discussed in this thread, a simple workaround could be to change the name of certain fields in order to get users to include this information.


If you want the customers to add it, when they create an account at the beginning of the payment process, have them type it into the "Additional information" field. You can change the name of this field to make it more specific:


Go to Back Office >> Tools >> Translations >> "authentication" section


Perhaps change "Additional Information" to "Additional information, including VAT identification number" or "Customer" or "Customer & Customer VAT+ID" ?


As for changing the PrestaShop code to add this field, it is not in the immediate plans, as it is somewhat complicated to do and so far it is only Italian users who have requested this addition.  We are keeping it in mind, however, for post-v1.0 consideration. :)

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