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Title of the categories block in a multistore


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Hello everyone.

I recently installed Prestashop I'm using it in "multistore" mode.

In the home page of each store appears the module of the categories with the title "Categories" above it. I would know how to change that title only in the main store (I would like to change "Categories" to "Stores").

Is there any way to make this change in the main store without affecting the other stores?

Thank you very much in advance for any help.

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Thanks a lot for your soon replay musicmaster!

I made the following change in the blockcategories.tpl file and forced compilation. However, I think I am wrong in the way to call the variable::

<div id="categories_block_left" class="block">
	<h2 class="title_block">
	    {if id_shop=='1'}Tiendas    
		{elseif isset($currentCategory)}
			{l s='Categories' mod='blockcategories'}

I tried placing the symbol $ in front of id_shop, but it still does not work. Could you tell me if I should put something else?

Thanks again for your help.

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