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Server errors when using Admin List Filter

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I get an internal server error whenever I try to use the display controls at the top of any list in the admin panel.
So, trying to change the number of items listed from 50 per page to 300, or Filtering or Reseting, or entering values, or moving to the next page produces an error.

The URL seems incomplete: there's no security token and the product variable should have a value:


Any thoughts?

At the moment, it means I can't list more than the first 50 of my products in the admin controls!!!

I was getting server errors before, justing selecting pages, but I followed the instructions for adjusting file permissions, and that has stopped. Perhaps they are related?

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Bump. Really? No one knows what this might be?

Can anyone tell me what the correct form of the URL should be when you view the second page of product listings, or when you use the Filter button?

This is in the Admin control panel, not the shop itself.

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Sorry I really don't know how to help on that.

The only thing I can tell you is that the url seems correct.

If I go into a sub category I get something like:


But if I press filter then I get:


Which is exactly what you get.

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  • 2 months later...

This is still happening.

It basically means that I can only list the first 50 products in any category.

Does no one have a clue what might be causing this, or how to trouble shoot it?

The only error I get in the logs is:

[warn-phpd] mmap cache can't open [website.com]/shop/tools/smarty/compile/%v^76B^76BACCC9%�tegory-tree-branch.tpl.php - Stale NFS file handle (pid 16943)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...


I have the same problem with this site: www.muktadhara.com

And I get this message every time I try to view more than 50 products or customers in the admin panel: "Safari can’t open the page “http://muktadhara.com/(admin)/index.php?tab=AdminCustomers#customer” because the server unexpectedly dropped the connection. This sometimes occurs when the server is busy. Wait for a few minutes, and then try again."

Same message is displayed in IE as well.

I would appreciate if anyone can identify the problem and help me solve it.

Thanks in advance.

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Does no one really know anything about this problem....?

If no one knows what this problem is, does anyone know who I could ask, or if there's another source of information for Prestashop?

Administering any product with an ID over 100 is almost impossible.

I haven't upgraded to version 4 yet. Mostly, because I don't want more problems, and I've seen quite a few reported on this forum. But I suppose an upgrade is inevitable. God knows if it will fix this problem, though.

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I'm sorry I don't have a solution but I get exactly the same problem. I used to get Internal Server Error with just about everything I did in back office, then it was suggested I change from AOL browser to Firefox or IE. This helped a lot but I too can still only list 50 items in the back office, but when I'm in store it will let me list 300. I'll keep an eye on this and hope someone can suggest a solution.


This is still happening.

It basically means that I can only list the first 50 products in any category.

Does no one have a clue what might be causing this, or how to trouble shoot it?

The only error I get in the logs is:

[warn-phpd] mmap cache can't open [website.com]/shop/tools/smarty/compile/%v^76B^76BACCC9%�tegory-tree-branch.tpl.php - Stale NFS file handle (pid 16943)

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have the same problem (INTERNAL SERVER ERROR) To stop this happening under some cercumstances, before going into back office, click on tools and switch your in private browser on and approach the back office from there. As to the ony allowing to display 50 items in BO. nobody has made any suggestions on the forum, I can only suppose not so many people are using prestashop or everybody is take and no give.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I just installed the latest version of Prestashop, 1.4.3, and I get THE SAME ERROR when I click on the "Reset" or "Filter" buttons in the Catalog admin page.

This is with the demo data that comes with Prestashop. I didn't alter or configure Prestashop in ANY way.


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  • 8 months later...

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