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so contact form dont work with redirected domain?

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I cant find any other difference between my 2 prestashops (one atwork and one official) other than th eofficial one is under the redirected domain to same company server as the "atwork" one. It shows me the error that error apeared while sending mail :/ I tryied both smtp and php mail... THe wierd thing is that order notification mails are sending normally.

ANy ideas? clues? help? :(

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I am using Prestashop with Godaddy hosting service.

I also have tried SMTP, PHP, and a localized email account using my domain name and Godaddy mail.

My cart is in a sub folder, rather than using it as my root website.

I hadn't thought this might be the problem, but I'm curious as after many tries, I cannot get the contact us form to work either.

However, in my case, none of the communication procedures work (order notification, order status updates, customer order receipts). :-S

Have a nice day!


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