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Calling PHP function from TPL

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Hi there, 

I'm developing a module to retrieve users and send them an email from admin panel. I can execute the DB query to list the users and pick one. Below that I added a button to perform the action to send the email. But how should I call the php function from module's TPL file ?

// customsignup.php

public function displayForm()
      // Get default language
      $default_lang = (int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT');
      // Requete MYSQL

      $rq ='select * from `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer` where `id_default_group` = 4';
      $selector ='<select id="select_saved_query">
          <option value="" >'.$this->l('Select client').'</option>';
      $result = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($rq);
      foreach ($result as $query){
          $selector .= '<option value="'.$query['firstname'].'">'.$query['firstname'].' '.$query['lastname']. ' - '.$query['company']. '</option>';

            'my_module_name' => Configuration::get('CUSTOM_SIGNUP'),
            'customers' => $result

    return $this->display(__FILE__, 'mycustomsignup.tpl');


// views/templates/admin/mycustomsignup.tpl

<select id="client_select">
<option> -- Select client </option>
{foreach $customers as $customer}
    <option value = {$customer.id_customer}>
        {$customer.firstname} {$customer.lastname}  -  {$customer.company} 
<button id="show_client_btn" type="button" class="btn btn-default" > Send Email </button>


How can I link the button to a specific action in php ?





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