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Smarty writing error : Can I remove the files manually?

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I just have this error in front store, the page went blank with this error message on top

PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in ...\store\tools\smarty\internals\core.write_file.php on line 27

I found that my shop will compile each time when access and write the compiled file to ...\store\tools\smarty\compile. I have granted the write permission for php application, but modify permission was not granted on that folder. So my shop keep on writing the compiled file to that path without deleting the old ones. ...\store\tools\smarty\compile contains more than 60000 files and caused the timeout issue.

My question is : Can the old files in ..\store\tools\smarty\compile can be safely removed manually?
Yes? or No?
Your help is so much appreciated

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That solve the problem I can see my site now, thanks.

But there's error logs, this is the messege :

CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.

Did you have this too, how do you fix it then?

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