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price depending on size

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Hi, I'm a rookie in prestashop, took almost a year preparing my website, so far I've managed to read all the forums, but I planted a problem.
I have products that have many colors but the price does not depend on color but on the size.
A product has 25 colors if you get 5 sizes, generates 125 products / size with which I have to put pictures of all the prices etc.
There any way please do not use color and just pick the size for the price.
I even used to be the same price for all products of the store base and the car is not dependent on each product, but depending on size.

I put a link to the website for you to see how it (still not operational), because I can not put the size

https: / / www.depared.com/product.php?id_product=10

thank you very much

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