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integrate CMS content in contact-form by iframe

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Hi,  i need to integrate CMS-content into the contact-form.tpl   (version 1.6.18) ,
Let’s say i have created an CMS content called “privacy2” and i want to integrate this in the contact-form.tpl  (no checkbox or other things are needed, only integrate the content -as plain text- from privacy2 into the contact-form.tpl

The content just should appear in a box with similar size than the “message box”, and should be scrollable, as it would be about 2 pages full with thext (informations regarding GDPR…).  I think iframe is good for this.

I tried:
<iframe id=“myTestFrame1” src="{$link->getCMSLink(6)}" style=“height:150px;width:100%” scrolling=“auto”></iframe>

but this loads not only the content of CMS, it loads the whole startpage from website incl. logo, menu,...  into the iframe.

I only need the content from the “CMS ID 6” in the iframe.  Is this possible or not? 
How to do this? thank you

Edited by DRMasterChief (see edit history)
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Ahhh  that simple!!  :) thank you, this works !

Do i need anything more than this (e.g. for SSL  or other things?)??  We have friendly URLs.

Is there any other thing i have to give he iframe-id to?  I just give them a unique name, but it dont use this name in any other file  (myFrame22).  Do i have to use this in any other file or thing?  THANK YOU 


<iframe id="myFrame22" src="{$link->getCMSLink(6)}?content_only=1" style="height:150px;width:100%" scrolling="auto"></iframe>


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