I'm running into problems migrating from PS to PS
I downloaded the latest version of the migration module (1.1.8).
First I tried the migration option with the direct URL connector method.
That process run fine up to 27.64% of the products import and then stalled.
The `ps_product` table is complete BTW (11586 products) but the other products related tables are empty or incomplete.
After waiting for almost 2 hours, it was still at 27.64% so I aborted the import.
I the restarted and chose to resume the import which started at 27.64% as it should, but nothing happened after that.
Then I tried to use the file download/upload option.
That started properly, but it's now at 26.14% for over an hour, so I am pretty sure the process is stalled.
Any suggestions what I could do to get this working?