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[SOLVED] "No payment modules available for this country / carrier combination."

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Hi Everyone,

I have setup two carriers - DHL 24 hour for the UK and a new DHL Ireland carrier. I have pretty much duplicated and double checked every setting on the Ireland carrier. When I go to checkout and choose Ireland it gies me this payment error:

"No payment modules available for this country / carrier combination."

The DHL 24 hour carrier works 100%.

Any Ideas?

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today tested OPC one page checkout module,
the payment method was not displayed, spent 2 days to resolving this issue,
compared databases in another shop where OPC have i installed and finaly find problem:

when checked tables ps_customer_group and ps_customer, there was no rows in these tables:

INSERT INTO `ps_customer` (`id_customer`, `id_gender`, `id_default_group`, `secure_key`, `email`, `passwd`, `last_passwd_gen`, `birthday`, `lastname`, `newsletter`, `ip_registration_newsletter`, `newsletter_date_add`, `optin`, `firstname`, `dni`, `active`, `deleted`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES
(1, 1, 1, '39bbfad542bf6deaa86fc13890990ef2', '[email protected]', '1733753f33551261137767cd69d9b789', '2009-12-29 05:52:45', NULL, 'XXX', 1, '', '2009-12-29 11:52:45', 1, 'XXX', NULL, 1, 0, '2009-12-29 11:52:45', '2011-03-23 22:50:26');

INSERT INTO `ps_customer_group` (`id_customer`, `id_group`) VALUES
(1, 1);

also cheched prefix for invoice...

i dont know why it not works without it, but now payment modules are finaly showed by ajax

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