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VERY SLOW at backoffice ORDERS page because too many (Authorization accepted from PayPal) message

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Using Version, It's very slow when you open the Orders page in the back office.

Here is the speed: Version - 19.013s on Orders tab

Other tabs are ok

Please Please help

Seems I found the problem. Every Order creates 20+ lines of the "Authorization accepted from PayPal" message, so my SQL is huge. So, the Order tab is very slow.

This could be Paypal V2.0 and V1.7 problem.

Please help.
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It's a bug in the PayPal v2.0 that has been marked as "Fixed" on SVN, yet there are still reports of the problem. Until it is fixed, you will need to go to Orders > Statuses and delete the extra statuses.

I have 77856 message to delete, how can I change the display to 500 or 1000 per page.

BTW, when is the new Paypal fix available, it's priority.

Thank you very much.
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