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How can I change the Email Subject of "referralprogram-invitation.html" ???

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I can not translate the Email Subject of "referralprogram-invitation.html"
even I modify all of the "Referral Program" words in B/O...

The subject of :
can be changed in B/O by translating the Module.

Please help to customize the email subject of "referralprogram-invitation.html".
Thank you.

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You should manually add an entry to the file mails/iso/lang.php (where iso is your language code) like the French one:

$_LANGMAIL['Referral Program'] = 'Programme de parrainage';



Thanks for your reply.
This method can be used in changing the Subject of "order_conf.html"
However, I dunno why the Subject of "referralprogram-invitation.html" can not be changed in "iso/lang.php".
Do you have any other method to overcome this issue???

Thank you.
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If you are using the 1.4.x version you should be able to edit in the the email template translation section....

otherwise edit lines 84 and 127 of "modules/referralprogram/referralprogram-program.php"

It's not on a language string, you could change it to

$this->l('Referral Program')

and then you will be able to edit via translation in the BO

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If you are using the 1.4.x version you should be able to edit in the the email template translation section....

otherwise edit lines 84 and 127 of "modules/referralprogram/referralprogram-program.php"

It's not on a language string, you could change it to
$this->l('Referral Program')

and then you will be able to edit via translation in the BO

Hi Zenith,

Thanks for your reply.
My version is v1.3.2.3

However, I changed the code in "referralprogram-program.php" become:
Mail::Send(intval($cookie->id_lang), 'referralprogram-invitation', $this->l('Referral Program') , $vars, $friendEmail, $friendFirstName.' '.$friendLastName, strval(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_EMAIL')), strval(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME')), NULL, NULL, dirname(__FILE__).'/mails/');

Then edit the "Referral Program" words in B/O...

If I invite a friend again, an error occur...and the page become blank.

Message: ‘tb_pathToImage’ is undefined
Line: 14
Char: 231
Code: 0
URI: http://.............../js/jquery/thickbox-modified.js 

It is interesting that I can modify the subject by changing 'Referral Program' to 'MY_SUBJECT' directly....
But my site have different languages, so the best case is it can be translated to different languages.
Any ideas???


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I just tested this on a 1.3 installation. I select Danish as language. Log in as a customer in the front office. Click on "Referral program" (in Danish) and select the tab "SPONSOR MY FRIENDS" (in Danish). I add an e-mail address and click validate. The e-mail that is sent has a Danish subject. The subject text is the one found in /mails/da/lang.php.

It works as expected.


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