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Colours of the email block and coloured writing

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hi all, is there any way to change the colours of the blocks on the email fields.
Im referring to when a custom sends an email through contact to you, the blocks shown in the email are pink with writing.

As shown in picture:


Is there a way to change the colours on the actual block and the writing.

I'd like if possible so that i upload an image of the colours i like rather than a code as the colours are mixed and therefore no code.

please help

many thanks,


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You must edit each HTML file in the subdirectories of the mails directory in the root of PrestaShop, and in the mails directory inside any modules you are using. For example, modules/mailalerts/mails. Search and replace all #DB3484 with your preferred colour.

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Do you mean the mail templates or the cart block, info block, etc? Adding a background image to an email will cause a "The content of this email has been blocked" message is most email clients. For the cart block, info block, etc, you can edit all the images in the themes//img directory.

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