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[SOLVED] Reduction Coupon and Shopping Cart

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I recently realized that to use the reduction coupon one has to enter the cart area.
Some of my customers would add an item to their cart and then click on Order or Proceed button rather than Cart button. This way they skipped the Cart area where they could put their Reduction code and arrived to the log-in place.
They were completely lost.

How can we get them to arrive in the cart area even if they click on Order/Proceed button?
Right now it looks a bit not straight forward.


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I suggest that you remove the Cart button, change the link of the Check out button to the cart button and increase it's size by changing lines 114-117 of modules/blockcart/blockcart.tpl from:

   <a href="{$base_dir_ssl}order.php" class="button_small" title="{l s='Cart' mod='blockcart'}">{l s='Cart' mod='blockcart'}
   <a href="{$base_dir_ssl}order.php?step=1" id="button_order_cart" class="exclusive" title="{l s='Check out' mod='blockcart'}">{l s='Check out' mod='blockcart'}


{*    <a href="{$base_dir_ssl}order.php" class="button_small" title="{l s='Cart' mod='blockcart'}">{l s='Cart' mod='blockcart'}*}
   <a href="{$base_dir_ssl}order.php{*?step=1*}" id="button_order_cart" class="exclusive_large" title="{l s='Check out' mod='blockcart'}">{l s='Check out' mod='blockcart'}

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