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Accessing system variables from tpl file - prestabox user

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Hi folks. I have just signed up to use prestastore with the hosted Prestabox solution and I have a quick question regarding the tpl files.

I need to place a piece of affiliate javascript in the order confirmation template file - order-confirmation.tpl. The javascript goes in fine using the built in editor, but to make the script work I need to provide it with a few values - the order ID, order value etc.

Does anyone know a way to pull these values into the .tpl file without modifying anything else?

I know prestabox isn't particularly flexible when it comes to modifying code, but I'm planning to hand the site over to a third party in a few months so it means I don't have to worry about which server to store it on. If I can solve this little snag it'll be all guns blazing in my bid for E-commerce domination!

Many thanks,

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Ok, I've seen a few people with similar questions but no concrete replies as yet.

I don't have all the details I needyet, but this one looks promising:
{convertPrice price=$total_price}

and for order ID *might* be:
$id_order .

Anyone have any feedback before I try it?

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Ok, that didn't work, but I have something new to work with, picked from the history tpl file. There's a loop that cycles through each order and prints vertain values, so I came up with this to hopefully hit on which will work. My prestashop installation seems to be lagging a bit behind or cached or something - an old version of the file is showing, but as soon as it catches up I'll give it a go.

{foreach from=$orders item=order name=myLoop}
{$order.id_order|intval} {$order.id_order|string_format:"d"}
{displayPrice price=$order.total_paid_real currency=$order.id_currency no_utf8=false convert=false}
{displayPrice price=$order.total_paid_real}

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