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a new upgrade to v 1.3.3

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i have upgraded to the new v 1.3.3 but in my back office it shows the version is does that mean that my upgrade is unsuccessful?? and at home in BO shows me a link to download the new version :
New PrestaShop version available : Download 1.3.3 finale !

i did this:

-renamed old /prestashop to /prestashop1
-backed up my old data base and imported it into a new one
-copied /img to the new folder
-copied /mails to the new folder
then i installed the new version.....
i had some problems connecting to the new database until i recopied settings.inc.php again into the new /cofig folder then it reconnected .
does there seem anything wrong with my upgrade??

help plz :)

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The instructions are below red bit you didn't follow

To save your translations, in your current Back Office >> Tools >> Translations, export each language using the built-in Export tool.
In your server database admin, back up your database.
Via FTP, in the PrestaShop folder on your hosting server (e.g., http://www.mysite.com/prestashop/), create a backup copy of your current PrestaShop folder by renaming it (e.g., http://www.mysite.com/prestashop_old/).
Download the latest version of the PrestaShop e-Commerce solution software.
Unzip the new PrestaShop ZIP archive anywhere on your hard drive.
Upload via FTP the new PrestaShop files located in the unzipped prestashop folder (and not the folder itself) to a new PrestaShop directory (e.g., http://www.mysite.com/prestashop/).
If you had previously modified the contents of the /mails folder, copy the contents of your backup copy of /mails to the new build’s /mails folder.
Copy the contents of your backup copy of the /img folder to the new build’s /img folder.
If you had added any extra modules to your default version of PrestaShop, copy the added modules from the backup copy of /modules to the new build’s /modules folder.
If you had installed some modules which keep their configuration inside a file (instead of the database) such as the “editorial” module (which use the editorial.xml file to store your content) you will have to copy them from your backup to your current module folder (e.g., “/modules/editorial/”).
If you had previously modified the .htaccess file, merge the contents of the old and new .htaccess files, deleting any duplicate information. Do not replace one with the other.
If applicable, copy your customized themes subfolder (e.g., /themes/mythemes) from the backup /themes folder to the new build’s /themes parent folder.
Note: If you had made changes to the default theme itself (not recommended; please see Create a customized Theme for the proper procedure), running the updater will therefore erase your changes. To recover the changes you had made to the default theme, create a new customized themes folder (for example, /themes/mythemes) in the new build and then transfer into it the contents of the old default theme folder located in your backup copy of PrestaShop.
Copy the settings.inc.php file from the backup folder /config to the new build’s /config folder.
In a Web browser, launch the Installer by adding /install to your shop’s URL (e.g., http://www.mysite.com/prestashop/install).

Then click on the upgrade link

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man i did all of that step by step i copied settings.inc.php before the upgrade then everything went right until i went into the BO to change the database name.....after that i immediatly lost connection to the database.....only when i re copied settings.inc.php back again until i got a connection to the database then back again to BO to change the database name ....this time it changed after i cleared the password from the database renaming procedure..................................
is it right when i imported the backed up database to the new created database?

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well the instructions were not really clear , i assumed you need a new database ,actually that what i understood from it.........ok now i changed back to the old dbase name....nothing changed ...still showing the old version and showing me that a new version available to upgrade.....what should i do now? delete the new dbase and reinstall from the beginning?

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ok...here is what i did....i changed back to the old dbase......it worked...showing now that i am running the v 1.3.3
does this mean its fine now? or do you think this will mess things up? i should redo everything? i noticed that the editorial homepage logo isnt changing at all i am trying to upload other image...not working...do u think this is because of messed upgrade?

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