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cart empties when trying to register or changing page

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Hi everyone.

My cart was ok until I erase a customer at the administration panel, then the cart was not adding more than one product, that was on firefox, but with IE the cart was ok until you decided to register, then the cart empties and you can not start a register session.
I look at the Mysql database and for firefox every time yo add a product, generates a new cart, while with IE does it when you start adding and again when you try to register.
I ask my daughter to test the shop (is for her) on her computer and had same result.
I did try in my office with Firefox and every thing was fine I tried with IE and has the same problem when tring to register.
I return home clean history cookies and every thing on Fierfox and IE....Firefox is fine, but IE is having the same trebles...

I am a novice, can some body help me with this, excuse my English, the link is..

The store is only configured for Spanish

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