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Skip registration when buying

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I currently run the e-cigarette business www.ecigaretten.dk
One of the things that has really helped my friend convert more on his site, was removing the account registration feature. Unfortunately he does not have a clue how he did it anymore, he simply doesn't remember, plus he claims being too busy to help me.

I have installed an express checkout module, but i want to skip the step where you choose between express or registration.

My friend did tell me about simply changing the links. When clicking "Kurv" which is "Cart" in english it would send you to a quick summary, when clicking "Kasse/Checkout" it would send you directly to the express checkout form.

This is what i want to ahieve basically, but since im not a programmer (Only html/css) i havn't figured out where to look for the code.

Hope you can help!


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I currently run the e-cigarette business www.ecigaretten.dk
One of the things that has really helped my friend convert more on his site, was removing the account registration feature. Unfortunately he does not have a clue how he did it anymore, he simply doesn't remember, plus he claims being too busy to help me.

I have installed an express checkout module, but i want to skip the step where you choose between express or registration.

My friend did tell me about simply changing the links. When clicking "Kurv" which is "Cart" in english it would send you to a quick summary, when clicking "Kasse/Checkout" it would send you directly to the express checkout form.

This is what i want to ahieve basically, but since im not a programmer (Only html/css) i havn't figured out where to look for the code.

Hope you can help!


It looks like i have somehow managed to do this.
But my friend warned me about potential errors when skipping the step where you pick if you want to registrate or use express checkout.

What problems could possibly occur when doing this.

I changed the links in the blockcart module:

{l s='Cart' mod='blockcart'}
{l s='Check out' mod='blockcart'}

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