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Preferences then Appearance then choosing a theme does not activate the theme I chose

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I just bought, downloaded, and uploaded via ftp the et-jewelry store from extrader but when I "Login to admin, go to "Preferences" / "Appearance" / under Themes, and selected "et-jewelrystore-v1-3" I still see only the default theme (i.e., prestashop) on my domain, http://uvshoponline.com/

What's up please? Can you help me please?? I'm new so you have to be specific, down to file name and location of change please.

I already "paid" for the download of prestashop through softaculous, then also paid for the theme from eztrader, so I would like it to work with just a little assisitance from anyone who can talk to a infant ecommerce user please. Thanks.

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You said you selected the new theme, but didn't say you clicked "save" button below it.
But I am sure did click "save", it does not work, there must be something wrong that your selection is not saved.

first, please check if your /config/settinglinc.php has write permission and also it is not read-only.
2nd, you can enable 'display_error' to 'on' in /config/config.inc.php file to see if there is any error when save your selection.

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  • 2 weeks later...

May I ask how you got your purchased template to show? I'm having the same problem, only shows the default theme. I didn't understand your reply. Can someone explain in simple english please??? I haven't started working on site yet, how do I upload template I want to use. I have it on my hard drive in the "themes" folder of prestashop 1.3. I'm also using hostgator as my host. I downloaded prestashop from cpanel there also.

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