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[SOLVED] All payment methods open blank page

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All the payment methods on my store www.bagbizarre.com result in only a blank page. I have the bank wire module, offline credit card module and COD module. All lead to:


which display as a blank page. Do you think this is this a reinstall (dread) or a simple fix? Thanks in advance.



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I've reinstalled PS twice more with a blank database and still get an error when choosing any payment option. The error is "[an error occurred while processing this directive]" on all modules. My shop is installed as an addon domain on Hostmonster. I've done this before with another store and had no such problems. I'm tearing out my hair trying to work this out (if Ihad any).

I'm going to try once more to download PS and install a completely vanilla/original version with a brand new, blank DB and see if I stil get the error. Could this be PHP related and a problem on the server. Never had any such issues with Hostmonster.

Any help or suggestions very welcome.
Thx, DAvid

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I found the problem and it was as Tomerg3 suggested, permissions related. I contacted Hostmonster and they confirmed there was a PHP error referring to the group permissions. The payment modules were set at 777. Seems they won't work because it's too insecure. I had changed the contentsto 755 but had neglected to change all the folders. I made sure they were all 755 and it worked! Thanks for your help.

I'll mark it solved. Thanks, David

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I found the problem and it was as Tomerg3 suggested, permissions related. I contacted Hostmonster and they confirmed there was a PHP error referring to the group permissions. The payment modules were set at 777. Seems they won't work because it's too insecure. I had changed the contentsto 755 but had neglected to change all the folders. I made sure they were all 755 and it worked! Thanks for your help.

I'll mark it solved. Thanks, David

I have notice the same problem, I changed the bankwire map also to 755 , but that did not work.
You wrote you change all the folders, which are ? . I don't want to make it insecure by changing the wrong permissions.

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Hi Marcel,

I changed the whole /modules folder to 755 and did it recursively to include all subdirectories and files. I can't comment on the security but 755 is more secure than 777. The reason it returned an error is that 777 is not secure. Maybe someone else can confirm.


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